Sep 25, 2005 15:42
I went to BK down the street from where I live for something to eat, & am now sitting in my car at the other end of the strip mall lot borrowing the internet service of someone named Dean. Thanx dude.
I went to my eye appointment earlier. First off the doc I was supposed to see switched off with someone else. And the one I ended up seeing was running late, hadn't even gotten there yet. So I took a walk. Went into FYE & looked at the DVDs I wanted but couldn't justify spending the money on. Particulatrly a TV series. But then seasons 2&3 were there, but no season 1. Not that it mattered. So I went back & waited. Then I asked what the vision in my right eye used to be last time I was in. -7.50. Now down to -7.25. Cool. So the doc got in, & we checked my lenses. I told her I was having trouble with the left one. I could feel it floating around on my eye & everytime I tried looking anywhere but straight ahead, the lense would blur. So she checked em & yeah, both were floating too much. She tried different lenses except with the next ones everything wasn't quite as clear & sharp. So on to another pair. Much better now. I also told her about how the lenses tend to feel glued to my eyes as well. My eyes are extra dry. She asked me if I was diabetic or hypoglycemic. I told her I was hypoglycemic 23ish years ago, and I have my blood sugar checked once in a great while, but it's always been normal so I haven't had it checked it quite some time. I told her I do have allergies, but I don't have to take any allergy meds very often anymore. Only when I get real bad sinus headaches. She told me to get my blood sugar check again. Meh.
contact lenses