The rules are that for 8 days you have to post something that made you happy that day. Tag 8 people to do the same.
I started the Happy Meme on 12/15. I should be on day 9 except I haven't had many especially "happy" days so this could also be thought of as Day 4 or possibly 5. Hhmmmph.
Anyhoo, here are the final grades I got in the following classes:
Video Production I: A-
Digital Video Editing I: A
I would like to have taken the next class, but I couldn't for a couple reasons: 1) by the time I was able to sign up, the class was full. I could have gotten on the waiting list but I didn't; 2) Even if I'd gotten in I don't have the money and I would have needed to come up with a payment by this past Friday to stay in;
3) Clearly I need to concentrate on a) finding a job & b) constantly reviewing everything I learned in the Nursing Assistant class so that I am ready for the tests I need to take to get my state certification.
Which reminds me of a dream I had last night: I dreamed I was taking the clinical part of the test but I had not, in fact, had time to review anything. I had, in fact, just been "thrown to the wolves". I did not recall even calling to make the appointment, all of a sudden I was just there picking from a hat the 3 duties I'd perform. Unlike in real life, in the dream I was with 2 other testers and unlike the other 2 I was the only one who remembered to knock on the resident's door before entering. That was the only thing I could remember to do.
Then I had another dream.
That I was in a school gymnasium, either elementary, middle (junior), or high school. I was a part of a chorus (chorale?) giving a concert to the students. Also included was
min8ive who stood to my right. We were all standing right on the floor, not any kind of stage or risers or anything and the entrance to the gym was behind us, the audience sat on the floor in front of us.
min8ive & I and a bunch of other people were on the right side of the room (from our POV) while other people who included an aunt I just got a Christmas card from and the crazy egg donor were way over on the left. A song we were getting ready to sing involved the 2 of them as well as several other singers walking in from the entrance and lining up. I was taken aback to see the crazy egg donor and hoped she wouldn't see me at all.
I noticed people noise coming from behind and wondered if the doors would be closed, I looked behind me & saw the entrance doorway had been removed, it being portable.
Then the song started and I suddenly had a chunk of chocolate in my hand and started belting out a song about how the chocolate was ok, but this other chocolate (that min8ive handed me: it was smoother, creamier, slightly darker than what I had which was lighter and had a lot of small air pockets. I broke it in half so I could hand her back the other half but it was quite thick and hard, like it had been in a refrigerator but it was not at all cold and it wouldn't break fast enough) tasted much better. Everyone took a bite of the chocolate and held it up singing about how yummy it was.
Thankfully, I then woke up. Kind of wanting some plain chocolate. Wish I knew what kind that was.