This morning I was supposed to be at the Humane Society at 9:00 AM. I hit the snooze one too many times and the radio stopped going on. I was having a strange dream
that I was in downtown Detroit trying to catch a bus for somewhere. I walked from
Michigan Central Depot across what seemed to be similar to
Hart Plaza except there was no
huge sculpture in the middle of the place. But there were steps I had to go down. I was still a distance from where the bus was going to stop when I thought I had left something behind. I wondered if I had time to run back. I had no idea when the bus would get there. I decided to try going back anyway and I would keep an eye out for the bus. If it showed up, I would run for it. I think I changed my mind at some point because I was headed back towards where the bus would stop but it wasn't there yet. So I started to sit down on the steps but I accidentally brushed against a woman who was headed in the opposite direction. She was carrying some just dry-cleaned clothes and I had very lightly brushed against them. I barely realized I'd done it, but I apologized and sat down. The woman gave me the most murderous if-looks-could-kill glare I thought she was going to sock me. Someone else whispered to me that the woman is late and that I just made her even more late. I was explaining that I barely touched her and that she could have just kept going when I woke up...
And discovered it was 9:30 AM.
I dragged myself up, cleaned up, dressed & got to the Humane Society at 10:40. I went into the laundry room and discovered that most of the towels and blankets they own were in a huge mountain pile waiting to be washed.
Last Thursday they acquired their 3rd washing machine, a top loader (their second, the other one is a commercial size front loader) except it came from a laundromat or apartment complex because it has a slot for 4 quarters. Actually it looks exactly like what used to be at the apt. complex where I lived before they got new ones. Unfortunately, there is something wrong with it. On Friday they had left it full of water, "to try to get the gunk out". Today I was told that someone would be in to service it tomorrow and that yesterday the other top-loader wasn't working very well. Fortunately, it worked today and I tried to crank out as much laundry as I could.
They also have 3 dryers, one is a residential size the other 2 are commercial laundromat size. Unfortunately, one of them does not work very well. It sometimes stops after 20 minutes of drying. They've been talking about getting someone to fix it, but they haven't yet.
So even with all the laundry piled up I was only going to stay the usual 4 hours until I found out that 3 people had called off and they were understaffed. So I stayed another hour. Right about that time someone else showed up who usually takes over laundry duties at around 5:00 and he told me I could go ahead and leave if I wanted.
Then it was off to the library so I could renew "The Fountainhead". That was my second time renewing it so what she actually did was check it in then check it back out to me. Yeah, that is one longass book.
While I'm at it, here are a couple other dreams I remember having: Saturday night Sunday morning: I dreamed I was in a manual transmission car. It's been years since I've driven one (except in my dreams. Everytime I dream I am driving it is always in a manual transmission car). I was on a busy road, but I was stopped. There were no cars directly ahead of me, they were a good mile or so away all stopped at a red light. I wondered of I would be able to shift all the way up to 3rd gear before being stopped by traffic or would the light change to green by the time I got there? I had just started getting going and shifted into first, was about to go for 2nd when I woke up.
Another dream I had prior to that I don't remember too much of now. I just remember walking near I-96 and Middlebelt in Livonia. There were a lot of other people there, too. There was some kind of outdoor shopping/flea market type thing going on. I was just looking because I couldn't afford anything. I was about to leave when I heard someone say there were swimming pool floaties being given away. I thought to myself, "I have no use for those, I don't have a pool" and I started walking away when someone told me I should grab a couple because I don't have a bed yet. It would seem that I had just moved into an apartment and, yeah, didn't have a bed. The person talking suggested the floaties would be better than sleeping on the floor. I grabbed the 2 that were left except they were already inflated. I didn't want to deflate them because it would take forever to re-inflate them once I got them home, but it was difficult trying to walk with them.
Then I woke up.