I should be studying for my final exam on Wednesday, but I don't feel like it. Not to worry, I'll get to it. This instructor is so cool, she gave us the questions & answers already. They are in the form of the quizzes we previously took. All the quizzes, she gave us time to take them, then immediately gave us the answers. Then we kept them.
Our papers were due this past Wednesday. Unfortunately, I had to explain to the instructor that mine was suddenly unfinished. I'd e-mailed my stuff to my "partner". Twice in fact. I never heard back from her, when I got to class, I'd asked her if she ever got them. She told me no. So she thought I had backed out & she did all her own research, & wrote her own paper that she handed in. When I explained it to the instructor, she told me that she was actually glad, b/c she didn't think we would be able to come up with enough info. Everyone's paper had to be at least 3 pages. Ours combined might have been that. It wouldn't have been fair to everyone else. On the other hand I wonder if it would have mattered considering how somewhat dingbatty some of the people in the class are. I know darn well I received the same syllabus as everyone else. It clearly says the paper was due 7/20. Several people said they didn't have theirs b/c "they didn't know". Some of them claimed it said the papers were due the 27th. Lie. At least the instructor didn't really care too much. She was 100 pages into
Burnt Offerings & really likes it & wanted to finish it. So she wasn't sure she'd get to reading all the papers anyway.
As soon as I make the required changes to my paper & finish it up, I'll post here how it turned out.
About the author of Burnt Offerings: he was at the class last week, he signed my book for me. He now has an Executive Protection company. He was a Detroit police officer for 20 years from the 1960's to the 1990's. He has a friend on the diving team. They just recently found more of what he called "artifacts" in a river from Palo Mayombe rituals.
Wow. Just wow.