I had just thrown some chinese sausage and jasmine rice into my rice cooker this evening when it occurred to me that there must be a cookbook out there for people like me who want to throw stuff into a rice cooker and call it a meal. (Think of it as the Asian equivalent of a crockpot). After a little Googling, I found
this book. I don't know if I will get it, but it is comforting to know that it is out there. It even has a "recipe" for what I'm making right now. The book looks well done, and it has lots of tasty-sounding stuff inside.
Reading through the section on types of rice cookers, however, I now know that there are some very sophisticated rice cookers out there. They call them
neuro fuzzy logic rice cookers. With a name like that, how can I resist? It speaks to the geek in me *and* it's cute. Curse those Japanese!
But resist, I shall. Dinner shall be ready soon, and then back to the studying I go. T-minus one week to DOOM!