Pathology, Goljan-Style

Nov 12, 2006 12:15

This guy is a riot. I should have started listening to him earlier. The audio also has the added benefit of making the Rapid Review book come to life.
"Why would C-sections produce respiratory distress syndrome? Stress [pause] is missing. There's something---there's a benefit to being delivered vaginally. It's a good lesson for the newborn coming out too, actually. Life is stressful. There's nothing better than getting your head and body squeeeezed into an oblivion before you come out. [maniacal laughter] That's why many babies who go through this thing and they come out, try to go back in. [audience laughs] Okay, because they know, 'God, if it's gonna be worse out here, I'd rather go back where I was---I had a good hot tub, I was able to swim, kick my legs around---why not go back? And not only that, my head feels like a cone.' . . . So, when you deliver by C-section, and you pull the kid out---the kid has a round head---the kid has not been stressed, therefore ACTH and cortisol are not increased, therefore they're not making surfactant---as opposed to the kid that's getting annihilated by squeezing, okay?"
"I say pigeon, and you say Cryptococcus."
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