This afternoon while I was busy yakshaving, working on getting my room a little cleaner, I came across the USB data cable that came with
my phone. I had played with it a little when I'd first bought the phone, years ago, but had failed to get it working at the time. A combination of driver problems along with severe annoyance at Sprint for a) insisting I use their bulky, glitzy Sprint Connection Manager, and b) requiring me to pay $$ for every "feature" I want to use, made me shove the cable to the back of my metaphorical closet in frustration.
Well, that was almost three years ago, which meant I had almost three years of phone numbers in my phone that had never been backed up. I've barely used the camera, even though it's a decent one, because I had no way of getting the pictures except by paying $0.03/kB to upload them to Sprint's Picture Mail "feature."
Technology has surely improved since then, eh? So on a whim, I clicked the cable into my phone and connected it to my laptop. No good; no drivers. Of course. Searching the 'net revealed plenty of other people looking for drivers, and none that actually worked, until I came across
BitPim's super-duper useful
help page on Sanyo phones, which directed me to, yes, go ahead and download the
Sprint CM, then use
Universal Extractor to just get the driver file I wanted, and then their super-duper useful open-source software would do the rest of what I wanted.
I downloaded (3), installed (2), extracted, ran, connected, installed, ran, and... poof! BitPim connected to my phone, recognized it, and grabbed all 200+ of my contacts in a swell foop. Woo! I decided to go ahead and get everything it could, so I checked all the boxes there was, clicked OK, and... waited. And waited. Hrm, it must be getting more than just txt messages... OH LOOK IT GOT MY PICTURES! Wheeeee!
So now, of course, I can share with you guys a few pictures I've taken in the last couple years, but never bothered to pay to get off the phone, including
a squinty blk (from 4/2006.. no, I don't change much),
mitz on my couch,
dodger making a chrisface,
george being cute,
shadow eating my camera, a
nice view from the hike back in 4/2007, maybe an hour after my real camera died, a
rainbow over Morewood, and a
sunset from Benton Ave, taken during the boys' soccer practice this fall.
Maybe now I'll actually use my phone cam on occasion, now that I know I can get my data off it much more easily.