I went to
Arisia this weekend to help out with registration, braid hair, and see lots of people. Oh, and there was a con going on, too.
braided reg, by
eidolonI suppose I only spent about half my time behind the reg desk. Fortunately, there were a lot of other cool geeks back there, too. (More pictures
Great moment of the weekend #19: Random geek guy comes up to my reg station while I'm wearing my Cute Shirt (see icon), and attempts (badly) to flirt with me. He wraps up his spiel with "My name is $NAME. And you would be...?" I glanced up from my screen, said, "cute," and went back to my work. He got the hint, and laughed at himself all the way to the badge station.
From meager experience (2 cons) so far, I am pretty sure I like cons from behind the scenes better than in front. I did get to a panel, the drum circle, a party, and walked through some artists and dealers, but the rest of it was mostly fun because I got to hang out with friends in a party-like atmosphere.
I ran into
flasher, who was selling some of her
artwork, as well as a bunch of other people, mostly Bostonites I was expecting to see.
jbsegal, braidedWhere there is hair, I will braid. Friday the reg crew theme ended up being [mostly by chance] "braided hair, and black shirt with pithy saying." I experimented with some new styles and fun hair types, and the idea got thrown around of me actually opening up a booth for braiding business next year. I may not be confident enough to do renfest braiding yet, but geek braiding? I think I could get into that.
Of course, my interest was piqued and my creativity challenged to its max when
jbsegal asked if I could braid the initials "JB" in his hair, to top the
@-sign I did for him several years ago. So I did, and we declared it a success.
Great weekend, overall. The trip home was unnecessarily long and annoying, but getting a big hug from
jboys made it all worthwhile. and J's hair is almost long enough for me to start braiding it...