Curiosity Killed the Cat

Feb 12, 2016 21:31

You never stop learning...

For about a year I have wanted to do research on something that I can't find any info on out there on the internetz...
The relationship between children without love bonds and the temperature.

Let me explain...

I watched a documentary on a feral girl who was raised in a room by herself without any human contact until she was 13. She never learned to speak, among other things. But she also feels no hot and no cold. Living in Minnesota I have met quite a few people who don't feel the hot and cold, they don't even bother with a jacket when it's 30°F below. Many of them are children, children who happened to have emotional behavior problems, were neglected, or abused.

I was thinking maybe there was a connection. Maybe the feeling of hot and cold is also learned in some way and not totally instinctive. (We tell babies not to touch a hot stove.) Or maybe if feelings are restricted and love is denied by parents, the feeling of hot and cold is suppressed by the child. I still haven't come to any sort of conclusions.

But meanwhile in Utah, my 11-year-old niece, who has been hugged and kissed every day of her life by both parents, walks two blocks home from her bus stop wearing short sleeves in 15°F and tells me she never wears a coat... and she blows all my theories out of the water.


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