
Feb 07, 2016 21:53

So I made a post HERE:

Like Vines Toward The Sun :: A Friending Frenzy for RETURNEE &&& Long Time LJers!
There are former LJers who would like to return, but their friends lists have been deserted.
Let's all welcome them back with open arms and show them that LJ is very much alive!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And here is my post:

Name, Age: Jenn or Blizzee, I answer to both, 49.5
Current Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
Hometown: St. Paul, Minnesota
Gender identity & Orientation: Straight chick
Religious/Spiritual Identity: Jedi
Political Identity: Democrat
Significant other, kids?: Boyfriend Sean of 5 years, son Cameren of 25 years, also a pleco and a boa.
Job: Kindergarten Paraprofessional aka TA
Major in college, if applicable: Psychology, never finished, but I can put "some college" on forms forevermore.

What are you passionate about?: The Star Wars universe including collecting, conventions, art, books, etc. Mick Jagger.
What are you interested in?: Walking Dead, Grimm, Heroes, Lost, Survivor, all your basic TV shows with a cast of weirdos. And The Muppets.
What are your hobbies?: Travel, movies, nature, photography, YouTube, Fantasy Football, Farmville, reading dystopian novels, walking, and eating.

How do you use LJ?: Very carefully
Do you comment?: Yes, probably more than I post
What kind of LJ friends are you looking for?: Alive and breathing, though zombies are cool
Returnees -- How long have you been away?: Off and on for 14 years, mostly off the last couple years
Returnees -- What have you missed about LJ?: I miss my olden days friends, though I am lucky enough to have quite a few of them on Facebook.

Anything else you'd like to mention?:
I am a Cancer Crab
I love the color orange
I LOVE my job!
I am currently trying to win a Biggest Loser contest at work after coming in second 2 years running
My feet have an Instagram
My son has been diabetic for 17 years
I have Polycystic Kidney Disease
Of the 100 mutual LJ friends on my list here, I have met 30 in person
And Skol Vikings!

Welcome new friends!!!

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