
Oct 18, 2007 17:54

I swear I posted an entry a couple of days ago... Oh, never mind.

Today was the last day of school! I bring no fic, because I'm kinda psyched about actually being able to get a whole eight hours of sleep for an entire week! So what if those eight hours are between 5 AM and 1 PM? It's still sleep.

What I do bring today consists of some rambling, some whining and a meme I found when idly going through old fandom_memes posts. Yeah, I was that bored.

So yesterday I had to go to some remote historical manor place. I've been to quite a few remote historical manor places, for school trips or piano exams or otherwise. I swear, around this area you can't freaking move for remote historical manor places. It's like Uberwald, but without the werewolves, which immediately makes it less interesting. Less hazardous too, sure, but still less interesting.

The reason I went yesterday was yet another school trip. It was majestically titled a Gifted and talented Young students' Seminar Discussing Issues in the Modern world Today - or something along those lines, you know the kind of thing I mean, complete with what looked like pin-the-capital-letter-on-the-donkey. But basically everyone referred to it as "the geek convention", so that's what I'm calling it.

What we did was mainly workshops, with a break in between where we were given free spaghetti bolognese and were expected to politely tip it into the bin next to the counter. I ate it by accident and felt sick all afternoon. None of the workshops were that hard, or that interesting.

I would've gotten through the things better if I had actually been put in a group with anyone else I knew. As it is, I got through five of the six sessions by taking a notebook along in my schoolbag and doodling Digimon while the people were talking. Would've taken a notepad, but I haven't got one... They thought I was making notes, except the police officer in the Antisocial Behaviour Workshop who reminded me of Kiyone. She just yelled at me. In the other lessons I managed Motimon, Terriermon, Gigimon, Botamon, Renamon, Pokomon, Kayomon + Rentramon + Shafermon (yes, fanmades, shhh), and a MegaloGrowmon I'm actually fairly proud of.

The sixth session also happened to be the least tedious. It was titled Media. We had the choice of producing a video or staging a performance in front of the other groups, so naturally everyone went for the camcorder first. Our group was given it in the end. Then we had to plan out a storyboard for said video, using stick figures and annotations. The theme was drug abuse, we had to vote on which idea to use, we were allowed eight scenes, and mine went something like:

1 - stick figure with a coat and bowler hat, apparently flashing (as in clothes, not lights) - "Hi, I'm a drug dealer!"
2 - same flashing stick figure, zoomed out, now in a park with four shorter stick figures and a dustbin visible next to him - "Hi, kids!" "Hi, Mr. Drug Dealer!"
3 - the lid of the dustbin falls off and a sixth stick figure stands up inside, tapping the kid at the back of the line on the shoulder - "Psst, hey kid!"
4 - DRAMATIC CLOSE-UP, dustbin stick guy is apparently saluting - "Drugs are bad because blah blah blah blah etc."
5 - one of the other stick figures taps that last stick figure on the other shoulder - "But it'll be cool!" "Oh, okay then"
6 - the flashing stick figure handing a striped box over to a different 'kid' - "Here you go!" "Hooray!"
7 - drug dealer pulls out a gun and shoots all of the kids standing in line while the dustbin sprouts angelic-looking wings and flies away
8 - superimposed caption over dead bodies of kid stick figures - "DRUGS KILL"

I can't think why nobody else voted for mine. ;P

Right before I gave up on doing anything meaningful that day and called my stepdad to give me a lift home, we had to watch two drama presentations by two separate groups of Year 11s.

They were... well, they were both meant to be addressing the depressing issue of domestic violence, which was fine. Unfortunately, they also both decided to simultaneously address about sixteen totally different issues, ranging from anorexia to foster homes to vivisection. I'm not exaggerating, here. It's a shame, because a few of the people up there did seem to be decent at acting - but what they were acting out ended up as two convoluted messes, and so melodramatic that people were laughing all the way through.

"March the fifth. The day my life changed. My dad left the house this morning. Mum was livid, she said it was all my fault, she made me scrub the floors for hours. Jean, my sister, thinks I'm worthless. I haven't seen my other sister for years. Mum gave her up for adoption. And when I went to school, it was so awful, they called me fat and threw eggs at me. When I was on the bus home, somebody nicked my bag. I can't take it any more. I'm not fat. I'm never going to eat ever again. Dad! Please let me come and live with you!"

I don't want people to assume I'm making light of those issues, because they're all horribly real, but I do get the impression that the drama students were. I think I saw a relevant tip in a review of that Venom Cock book: if you really want to push an issue home to the audience, concentrate on one at a time and centre the piece around it. That was in relation to a novel, not a ten-minute monologue, but they could've done that. And it would've been one hell of a lot easier to follow.

Bah. I didn't take Drama this year and I have nervous breakdowns whenever I'm performing in front of more than two people, but it still irked me. Guess I'm just irritable.

Anyway. To take my mind off that, meme time again! Obligatory disclaimer: none of this is expressly intended to bash people who ship different pairings, kinda thing.

Name six ships you like:
1) Taichi/Takato
2) Hirokazu/Kenta
3) Juri/Takato
4) Ruki/Renamon
5) Jou/Sora
6) Iori/Shiuchon

Three ships you used to like but don't like anymore:
7) Ruki/Takato
8) Taichi/Takeru
9) Takuya/Kouji

Three ships in your various fandoms you don't ship:
10) Taichi/Sora
11) Takeru/Hikari
12) Ryou/Ruki (lolol do you notice a pattern)

Two ships you are curious about but haven't actually started shipping:
13) Juri/Hikari
14) ...Dukemon Crimson Mode / Justimon

1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Takari)
Ehn. I don't dislike it, I just don't find it as obvious as some parts of the fandom make out. Add that to the fact that most people ship it from 02 instead of Adventure - personally, I thought Takeru's protective streak was cuter when he and Hikari were little - and of course larger fan following = more batshit and more crappy fluff fic. On the other hand, it's not a ship I omg!hate and I've even written a bit of it, although I'd never put it on FFnet or anywhere.

2. Who is someone you know that ships #13? (Juri/Hikari)
No clue. But if you ever meet someone else who does, I'd love to know who they are!

3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (Jukato)
You say that like it isn't almost canon. ♥ Take this, kick Guilmon out of the scene, move both of them a bit closer together, that's it!

4. What is your favorite episode for #1? Try to pick just one. (Taikato)
Just for the sake of putting something here, episode 1. It's a toss-up between that and episode 2, but in episode 1 we're introduced to the stickers on Takato's shoebox and the orange star is really more exclusive to Taichi than goggles are. (Even though the dub of episode 1 could be interpreted as pushing Davis/Takato more explicitly. "Bull's eye, baby!" and all that?)

5. How long have you been following couple #6? (Iori/Shiuchon)
Since I was compiling a list of every mathematically possible Digimon pairing and actually stopped to contemplate it. X) Not in a smutty way, obviously - but when you think about it, Iori would be a lot happier if he was made to act his own age for a while, and Shiuchon is just the kind of person who wouldn't listen to his complaints. In that incomplete WIP I keep going on about, Shiuchon winds up in Iori's home and both of them think that they're supposed to be babysitting the other... I found that scenario kinda cute.

6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Taikeru)
I mainly thought it was fun for Taichi's big-brother-type behaviour and Adventure!Takeru's headcrotching. Especially in episode 22, which is pretty much the most subtext they get. Then I got into Tamers, got bored of shipping Takeru with every other Digimon character, started shipping Takato with every other Digimon character instead. It's sad, but that's basically what happened.

7. Which ship do you prefer: #2 or #4? (Hirota + RukiRena)
Hirota, of course! Both are practically canon in any case for a given value of "canon", but Hirota is just funnier. And doesn't have such a bittersweet ending, dammit.

8. You have the power to make one ship nonexistent. Choose from #10 or #12. (Taiora + Ryoki)
Ryoki, just because I care more about Tamers. But both if possible, just because the commonest smushnames annoy me. X3; Taiora would be tempting too, but... well, there's a lot more in the epilogue to get up in arms about than just canon pairings.

9. What interests you about #14? (Dukemon CM / Justimon)
Somebody pointed out that it was the biggest mental orgy you could have with only two characters physically involved, and I've been thinking about it on and off ever since.

10. When did you stop liking #7? (Rukato)
I didn't like it all that much, since Juri is properly introduced long before Ruki. But the killer was really some time around episode 11 when Ruki and Renamon had a lover's tiff.

11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Takouji)
Not really. I shipped it on principle because I liked Taito and Daikeru, and then when I actually watched Frontier I found that both Takuya and Kouji were too flat to be exactly the same pairing. When I actually got into the series is when I started shipping Takuya/Tomoki instead.

12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Joura)
Um. No idea, again. (Aren't I imaginative?)

13. Which of these ships do you love the most?
Taikato, Taikato! \o/

14. Which do you dislike the most?
Hard to say. Taiora, just for the hell of it.

15. If you could have any of these two pairings double-date, who would it be?
Taikato and Jukato! Threesomes are love, after all.

16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like. (Hirota)
Why yes, Hirokazu and Kenta have. Although Kazu and Kenta never did.

17. Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (RukiRena)
Well... taking Message in the Packet into account, not really. Speaking of Message in the Packet, Ruki really seems stroppy there.

18. What would make you start shipping #14? (Dukemon CM / Justimon)
I'd really want to see how somebody got around the obvious "Digimon don't have *cough* thingers*" barrier.

19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer--#2 or #6? (Hirota + Iori/Shiuchon)
I'm sorry, I like Iori/Shiuchon, but splitting up the other duo would be far too cruel.

20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Taiora)
They become astronauts. :0


Huzzah! That was... long, kinda boring and potentially wanky, but what're ya gonna do?

...And man, I've got a lot of useless tags.

thoughts on ___, digimon, rl, whining, srsly, \o/, fangirling, yay screencaps, frontier, tamers, 02, adventure, ego boost, memes, lol shippers, irrelevant

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