Oct 11, 2007 19:05
I've just finished going through a load of my entries and changing the tags around. Been meaning to do that for a while. It took a long time, and I gave up somewhere around April out of embarrassment. But hey - now I have a load of pointless tags, and that's an improvement on five pointless tags, right?
...I'm such a sad person. You know how the usual argument against excessive self-threading/RP-sturbation goes, right? If you're only interacting with yourself, you're better off writing fanfic? Well, I am. RP fanfic. Two stories. Both of them were originally intended to be logs which I gave up on, but now I'm rewriting them.
In my defence, one of them has been basically an experiment with a different writing style, and the other one is kind of cute. Maybe I'll post them on my journal if I ever finish... But not on any comms or anything. They wouldn't make any sense if you didn't know about the events going on at the same time.