So my conscience is telling me I can't just let this pass unnoticed, but my self-preservation instinct is telling me that admitting this to any of my family would be suicide. Which means, LJ it is. How useful.
...I was supposed to go to school today. Normally, since I find it impossible to wake up on time by myself, one or both of my parents show up at 7 am to yell at me until I do. Today they were under the impression that, since I'd been to the "induction" day on Tuesday, actual lessons weren't starting up until the following Monday.
They were actually starting today, and I didn't wake up until about an hour after school had already begun. I didn't give them the impression, but I didn't say anything. And now I'm royally screwed because we were also supposed to be getting timetables today, and now I've got no idea where I'm meant to be heading first thing next week.
I'm conflicted. :(
Anyway. Been reading through the F_W wiki now that it's back up, because it's a damn good way of wasting time. The report I last looked at was an old Vanceone wank, and other than the obvious batshit it was entirely unnotable. However, bits of
this thread, with several comments about book 7 predictions really kind of scared me. Generally all the predictions about "she'll marry H/G and R/Hr off in an epilogue to shut everyone up", but specifically this snippet:
And the partnership of Harry and Ginevra begat James, Sirius and Fluffy Serenity Moonwind...
Not particularly exact, but it's still creepy what hindsight does to you, right? Though it's hard to say whether Albus Severus or Fluffy Serenity Moonwind would've been worse.
In Avoria, the current event has Ikuto/Takuya and Fay/Sonic, and that's really all that has to be said about it. Although, y'know, hyper should =/= capslock_avoria. I can excuse the sparklies because sparklies always speak the truth, and I probably shouldn't be pointing this out because one of my pups capslocks all the time anyway, but that's not the point.
Oh, and I just felt like taking this little quiz again with only Digimon Tamers pairings involved this time. And Jukato left out, however much it breaks my heart to do so. :P I thought that might narrow things down a bit.
List the first five OTPs that come to mind and then click the link to answer the questions:
1) Hirokazu/Kenta
2) Ruki/Juri
3) Takato/Jenrya
4) Renamon/Ruki
5) Hirokazu/Takato
...Nope, still not room for all of them, but at least it's closer now.
1. When did you first fall in love with ship number 1? (Hirota)
As soon as they were on screen together; in other words, that scene where both of them simultaneously call bedwetting on Takato's dream. I don't think any Tamers pairing can claim to be more explicit than these two - not even Takato's crush, which is actually referred to in conversation and which I also adore. It's not so obvious in the first few episodes, but by round about episode 11 (when they've starting hugging each other and talking in unison) you know
2. When did you fall in love with ship number 5? (Hirokato)
...Honestly don't know. Possibly episode 5 when Takato is basically advertising Hirokazu to Jen, or maybe episode 16 although that's mostly because of a single dub-added line ("I know, isn't that weird? Kazu being nice?"). I think they have potential chemistry and the outline of a 'ship already there - they're already good friends at the start of the series, more than the main three + Juri can say. Also, it reminds me of a less abusive Taishirou, because unlike Koushirou Takato does complain when he gets headlocked.
3.What is your favorite moment of ship number 3? (Jenkato)
...Uh. Any of their countless touchy-feely moments. In the dub, Henry actually calls Takato "dear" once, even though it's just a throwaway line. Episode 32 and 37 weren't bad for subtext, either... If I have to pick just one thing, it'd be the first chunk of the second-last Message in the Packet track. Because "true friends" must really have meant "true loves", and Takato actually proves that he's got a spine.
4. What will the ship be if you take the boy from ship 2 and the girl from ship 1 and mesh them? If one or both of the ships are slash, then pick and choose. (Rukenta)
I'm pretty sure it exists somewhere, because this is Digimon fandom and we write stuff like Miiko/Tomoki, but I've never seen it. I think it ranks slightly lower than Rukazu as far as likelihood goes, because I don't think Kenta ever compliments Ruki on anything and being with either of them for any length of time would probably drive Ruki up the wall. See episode 26 and... the one where Ryou is introduced. Forgetting my episode numbers, what kind of fanatic am I?
5. Vice versa. (Jurikazu)
It'd work if, you know, Hirokazu and Kenta weren't so married to each other already. They're present in a lot of the same scenes, but they never have any real scenes together, if you catch my drift.
6. What's your favorite moment for ship 4? (RenaRuki)
Probably something like episode 12. Or Ruki's repeated spazzing in Message in the Packet ("Then when can I meet her again? Tomorrow? The day after? In ten years?!", plus "I'm only doing this so she won't feel left out"), which was really kind of cute. I have no idea why I like Message in the Packet so much.
7. How long was there between the time you got into the fandom and the time you started shipping ship number 3? (Jenkato)
A little while. :| I wasn't a huge fan of Jenrya until I decided Tamers was better than Adventure and stopped seeing him as an inferior Koushirou. Yeah, I'm not sure how I came up with that in the first place... After that, the pairing was obvious and awesome. Formulaic, maybe, but still awesome.
8. When did you start shipping ship number 4? (RenaRuki)
In self-defense, after seeing how many Ryoki and Rukato shippers there were out there. Truth be told, even though I love this pairing and Juruki, my favourite Ruki is a single Ruki - she never came across as the kind of character who'd let herself get tied down. Or with Norma Beatty off Tales of Legendia, but that's an entirely different story!
9. Take three random people from three of the ships and create an OT3?
...Come on, this is just too easy. Takato/Jenrya/Ruki! But actually, what I support is a Tamers OT9: Takato/Jenrya/Ruki/Guilmon/Terriermon/Renamon/Juri/Hirokazu/Kenta. It is so canon. No Shiuchon because her with Jen would make it slightly squicky, and no Ryou because he's already got Mimi to fend off.
10. Rank your OTPs in order.
Well, still Taikato and Jukato first. I would say that, after those two, I like Hirota, Jenkato and Hirokato in that order. The rest of them are all kind of floating around there.
Yeah, that really is all for now. Shoo.