If I'm not completely coherent, it's because it's technically August and I need to actually get some sleep. Shhh.
So, uh, we got there and back home without much event. There was a bit of a mix-up with tickets - apparently they'd booked for the Simpsons movie by accident, but fortunately OotP was being shown at the exact same time, so we just walked in and hoped nobody would look at our ticket stubs. Which they didn't.
Also, we had to drop by step-dad's new new takeaway afterwards, as if he didn't already have three which were all equally incredibly stereotypical. I acquired a pink paper umbrella. Bitch didn't get drunk there like I predicted, but she was acting like it. It was all I could do not to call her out on her loud racist comments in public... But what could I have said? Only that being part of an ethnic minority doesn't make you not a complete asswipe for looking down on different minorities. I'm not trying to "defend" anybody, I just don't think you ought to be insulting them purely based on something which happened years before you were even born.
Ah, but now my srsbsns is getting ahead of me. As for the actual movie, I bought a load of popcorn and barely managed to eat half of it. I brought Henry the hatpuppet along, but we couldn't get seats by the projector, so he just sat there. He got dropped on the floor at one point.
The general feel of the movie... Well, it's the shortest movie of the longest book, and it really shows. Most of it really seems like we're only being shown the highlights, like half the plot stuff goes on in the background where we can't see it. Near the start, it's kind of bearable, but once Harry is rescued it starts going to hell. The repeated forced flashbacks later on with Voldie and Snape would have been much more effective if the scenes there hadn't been the only scenes we'd watched... I think.
Wasn't Lupin meant to be in Harry's little escort out of Privet Drive? Lupin didn't get enough screentime, considering he's actually cool in book!OotP. Him and Sirius getting all nostalgic over James and his messy hair. Also, Tonks wasn't onscreen enough either. Maybe it's so that moviegoers won't find her HBP personality 180 a total shock. She doesn't get enough characterisation here for them to tell.
Most of Luna's scenes were kept, happily. And the Cho romance was heavily axed, something I'm grateful for. On the other hand, I'm not happy that the hospital was cut. Firstly, Neville didn't seem like the type to suddenly spring dramatic monologues on Harry under the mistletoe - Dumbledore's brief spiel on it in book!GoF was a little strange, but at least Dumby's established as a character who likes listening to himself talk. Secondly, what happened to Harry mistaking himself for the weapon? It got replaced by him generically whining to Sirius. It's not nearly as effective.
Acting... was basically the same as the other movies. The trio are all a bit iffy (seriously, Emma Watson's eyebrows move more than the rest of her body does), everyone else is all right. I was looking out for Umbridge and Luna especially, and let me say, both of them were perfect! Luna was just so Luna-ish and so cute with Harry and Neville and aww, her voice was exactly right as well as her skipping around and... yeah. Umbridge substituted "hem, hem" for an incredibly creepy laugh, but otherwise was absolutely dead-on. There isn't much that can make me dislike kittens, but book!Umbridge did it and movie!Umbridge was better.
The repeated uses of newspapers and Decrees being pinned up were kind of cool, even if there weren't nearly as many Decrees in the original.
Of course, OotP was the debut of capslock!Harry. Funnily, Harry mostly talks quietly in both his more notorious capslock scenes. He hardly talks at all to Dumby, and only moans at Ron/Hermione.
The best part of the movie? Everything from the arrival in the Ministry to the end. The twins' scene just before that was great, but it just didn't have the awesome factor that "Give her hell from us, Peeves" managed. The Ministry battle was absolutely nothing like the original, but... it's an adaptation! And it was incredible! Even the possessed!Harry part, which I was worrying about, managed to come off pretty well.
Only bad bit was, well, Sirius. Wasn't the entire point of Bellatrix's curse being wordless that the veil killed him, not her spell? And this wasn't the fault of the scriptwriters, but to me Harry's expression looked more happy/orgasmic than outraged while Lupin was attempting to calm him down.
Haha, too bad Neville couldn't avenge Bellatrix there. I dearly hope that the battle scenes at Hogwarts in the DH movie remain perfectly intact, although given previous track record that's a bit much to expect.
...Oh, maybe I'll edit this post with more thoughts on OotP later. It really is late.