Fun Tymes

Jan 12, 2011 14:18

man, time just melds into a vaccuum once you settle into your holidays. next week will be busy tho, and then the week after as well & then i'm back to it. yeah.


The Perth Cup is a horse race held on the 1st January each year. Apparently it's not a true "cup" cos it's only 1800m or something (true 'cups' are 3200m or something). there's about 8 races on the day.

lots of people go for a good time & a LOT of drinking & gambling. it's always heaps of fun, people dress up & look glamorous (or humorous) and it's just a good day all around. it does suck when it's very hot, which is why i won't go if it's over 35degC. this year was maybe 36C and it was okay, but we had a very nice shady spot & we didn't move much. last time we went we staggered all over the place which was fun, but very exhausting. this year we just sat & chatted with people near by. there was a big screen to watch the races, we were right near the bar & the toilets (very important!) & the food, so we were pretty set. it can get pretty disgustingly messy cos of the hot weather & huge amounts of alcohol consumed, but the VIBE is always happy & cheerful & there's never any violence or aggro that i have noticed anyway. it's better than going out to a club or whatever.

anyway. jed was coming with us but rhiannon & her dad (our lift) showed up a little bit early & he was hardly showered & he had a little tanty & went back to bed.
he showed up later tho so it was all good. he got a taxi in.

anyway, so we arrived & walked around for a bit & found our spot & started drinking. there was a themed table behind us - The Von Trapps. very nice ppl & i got talking to this one lady who, it turns out, was Deputy principal at a neighbouring high school to the one where i work. so we know all the same people & the clientele etc and so on.

anyway, this lady had been head hunted to take over principal-ship at the local montessori school. She has some pretty big & amazing ideas & after working in a fairly well run government school she knows about systemic change & things to do to improve the processes behind this montessori school.
so we talked about pedagogy & the clientele down there etc and so on.
then it turns out that have a kid in common.
a couple of years ago i taught him & got really messed up about it because he was an extreme behaviour kid & ended up going to exclusion at my school. he then went to this lady's school instead. i was the ONLY teacher at my school who supported that kid & had anything positive to say about him.
anyway, when this lady found out my last name she was like, "OMFG YOU'RE MISS STAFFORD! we wondered who this teacher was & the kind of work they'd done with (the student) because you're the only person who had anything nice & positive to say about him on his reports" etc and so on.

so it was nice getting some feedback from a stranger, at a totally random setting!
anyway, more alcohol was drunk & it started getting increasingly difficult to remain focused!

then, i think she started head-hunting me, cos she obviously knew of my abilities after teaching K (the student). she also revealed that he had had 2 suicide attempts as well, which was very sad to hear.


then jed showed up & it was all good.

when we got home at the end of the day, jed told me an interesting story.
a little while after he'd arrived, Rhiannon & i had disappeared from our table for some reason. idk where, maybe toilet & drinks. so this lady, this PRINCIPAL, leans in and introduces herself to jed. she says something like, "juanita is really pretty isn't she?" obviously, he agrees. then she goes,
"you want to fuck her, don't you?"
and jed was like, "well, considering she's my fiancee and we've been together 11 years, then yes..."

which shut her up.


not sure if i'm still tempted to give her a call! we'll see. she's running Tribes at her school this year & i wanna try & get in!

faovurite outfit of the day. Perth Cup is very much about People Watching, one of my favourite past times.

a lottttttt of this was consumed. the bottles were modified plastic ones & there's all these rules about safe drinking - bar shuts at 4 or 5 pm, lots of free water stations, could only buy ONE bottle of wine or champers or 4 pre-mixed drinks at a time, etc.

jed does not look very impressed.

Von Trapp girls

my frigging adorable fascinator, made with guinea fowl feathers to match my spotty outfit. rhi and i went to subi last week, to a specific hat & fascinator shop & the stuff in there was $90 plus! mine cost $15 from the chemist. woot!

Dagwood dogs. sausages, covered in batter & tomato sauce. delicious! and quite provocative for drunk boys!

von trapps

you kind of get an idea of my AWESOME fascinator.

and some other random photos

not quite epic monopoly game

beejay looking very interested in the tinsel i just happened to have in my car. wtf.

pics, summerdayze, home, friends, beejay

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