(no subject)

Jun 01, 2009 08:44

thank god for long weekends.

although most of the mess is cleaned up from saturday night, we still have to organise shit & do a good vacuum etc. yesterday was spent intermittently napping, or watching friends, or just watching the Photo screen savery things on the xbox.

played with beejy last night (wearing BFOR too... so it's now picked up poo, mixed feeds etc... and it didn't die or get lost!) & he was a complete TWAT. jesus christ. his ridden work is coming along great guns, but he then acted as if he's never been on the end of a training line before. dick. i got into him a bit because he was being a complete nutjob (sorry, no natural horsemanship there!). it all started cos i moved him over one of my 60cm jumps and he HOONED it, then took off fucking bolting & kicking and being a general twat. once he calmed down we tried again and this time he refused it. MEH. then he'd have a big sad and back off across the arena. he left track marks everywhere.

so went back to moving his fore & hind quarters, some yoyo game etc, to help him refocus and bring his energy down. ended up dropping one side of the jump down to about 20cm and i practically led him over it. then we tried circling game again, over some trot poles and then back over the jump - and he was fine. nice and cruisy with no hooning.

silly monkey. THEN i was very risque and i jumped on board - bareback, in a skirt, just halter and leadrope.

poor pony, he about had a conniption - anything that strays from his little routine just BLOWS HIS MIND. he coped (with walking around the 20m circle...) but would have little spasms of "argh, cant. go. that. way! argh!"
so weird, when i ride with saddle & bridle we can steer & bend all over the place (riding just off the seat) but take those things away & he just loses all confidence & has to take over as leader again. i didn't make it too challenging for him tho & we just putzed around for a while (and we all know how much beejy loves putzing... NOT), and just had lots of cuddles & brushing time.

i REALLY wanted to go out for a ride on tazzie yesterday, but so didn't feel up to it physically. think i was a bit hungover, a bit pre-menstrual, etc etc. going to get onto it today.

in fact, going to go to Yoga @ 10.30 & will prob head out to tazzie after that. Taking taz to adult riders next week (cadging a ride with jaana) which is pretty exciting. his old owner will be there to see him too. and then, on the 21st June we are going to a funday show... which may not be all that fun because it seems like a bunch of top (tho unofficial) riders will be there, which kind of takes the fun out of it if i'm competing against ppl who show all the time... anywho. i wanna do some games with him as well, so we've been practicing our sharp turns & bends.

also, we've been rate limited. can't believe how fucking boring & hard the internet is at the moment. it's worse than dial up. Livejournal mostly copes okay, but photobucket, stockyards, facebook, my email etc ALL FAIL. additionally, most photos on LJ just redX or fail as well, so it's pretty boring! get it back on Tuesday though, thank god.


and how bizarre, all this wedding thinking. see, i thought i had it all planned out perfectly before & now i think about stuff & it's fairly MEH.

i know who's going to do my dress & the cake, but that's about it. no ideas on DESIGN or anything. hahaha.

poor jeddy.

hrm, i really feel like some pasta. argh.
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