a maths problem

Apr 06, 2009 17:24

x-posted to another forum i visit.

I am super confused.

i car pool with 2 other ppl. 1 i have known for years & lives around the corner from me. the other is new this year.

it costs about $90/week to operate my car to and fro work for 5 days/week.

divided by 3 = $30 each.

$30 / 5 = $6 each per day.

therefore, $18 per day to get to and fro work.

HOWEVER, 2nd person drives ONE day a week (i have to keep my km's up as my car is salary packaged). this has happened for the past 2 weeks, to give me a rest.

i said to him, "o just pay me $24 instead of $30."

in my mind, that $6 is my contribution to HIS fuel costs for the day.

so he gets into my car this morning & tells me i owe him $12 (for past 2 weeks).

i was like, "er, no i don't."

and then we had a rather heated discussion about it, before finally agreeing to consult various maths experts that we know.

strangely, my maths experts say that no, i don't owe him. in fact, one maths expert went on about depreciation on my car & the priceless cost of TIREDNESS etc and so on...

and his maths expert (a friend of mine, i'll be having a word to her, lol!) apparently agrees with him.

in fact, when we met at the end of the day, he said that apparently he should now be paying me $18 per week instead of $24 as his day of driving cancels out one of my days.

i'm like, "wtf???? so you essentially get a day of FREE travel?"

so please, stockies... help me out here. i just don't get it???? he was like, he pays me for my fuel & i should pay him for his fuel. in my mind, if he only pays me $24, then i AM paying his fuel because it costs $90/week to travel. but because my car only drives FOUR days, i should be contributing towards the $18 it costs to drive his car for ONE day.

i just don't understand.

(not to mention he was rude and mean about it and practically SHOUTED at me. i'm ready to tell him to fuck off and drive himself). when i said, "i'm sorry, but i'm not very good at maths." he said, "obviously".


i'm actually pretty fucking furious about it. i mean, how fucking hard does it have to be? maths aside, for chrissakes, do we really need to be so fucking anal retentive???

i'm glad that the only current concerns i have in my life are selling my pony and anal retentive fuckwads who i car pool with. praise the lord.

rant, work

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