(no subject)

Jan 20, 2009 11:53

so i am slowly uploading photos to pbucket & will link them on here as i feel fit.

i am also sick.


really, glenatron... another thing to add to your list is SUMMER COLDS.

i feel like absolute shite. didn't go to the gym yesterday OR sunday (but i count that as just a day off) and i really don't feel like going today either.
i totally blame kelli who is the only person i know who has been sick this summer.
i also blame falling asleep in front of the fan with wet hair on friday night. ugh.

had a fun trip down south with sprinklerized and we hit A LOT of spots in a very short period of time. i think the best fun for me was the caving experience. i've GOT to go again. trying to talk jed into it.

i have one week left of holidays. YIKES. then it's back to the grindstone.

beejay has conveniently half pulled a front shoe. i'm going to pull the whole thing off today (if he hasn't already) and probably take the other one off too. then i think (as long as he isn't tender) i can ride him at least in the arena.
we had a FUN session yesterday. i barely saw him on sunday because i had 4 days worth of poop to scoop and i was feeling SHITE. so yesterday i took him to the roundyard for a bit of fun. he was SUPER responsive and i was really putting my energy out there. had to halter him tho because towards the end he was being very obnoxious and just walking (or trotting/cantering/hooning in general) through my body language & changes of direction. a bit of line work and he was "YES MUM! WHATEVER YOU SAY MUM!". so i probably should have STARTED with the line work instead, haha. silly pony.

had lunch with rhiannon yesterday at Sizzlers... MMMMM sizzlers! then we came home and watched Bolt (yes, zzrmags, it's fantastic! i LOVE it).

oooh, this saturday i'm borrowing a friend's horse and going on a massive trail ride. should be good. there's about 20 of us going too, so i'm a TAD excited.

naughtiness, summerdayze, control, beejay, movies

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