ugh, money woes.

Jan 09, 2009 18:09

i know there are lots of you on my flist who are seriously fucking GOOD with money - good at saving, good at spending (well, i'm GREAT at that), good at finding deals. i am not one of those people.

i know gemmabowles was having a gripe a while back about ppl who live paycheck to paycheck. unfortunately, i'm pretty much one of THOSE people. as my friend ( Read more... )

house, money, rant

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athystle January 9 2009, 11:14:21 UTC
Must have missed the gripe, I may have had one myself.Some ppl can not help living that way.

I buy all my animal needs at the beginning of the month. Pay what bills I can and that is it until the next month. I have $160 that I can usually spend on food which isn't much. Sometimes I don't. KEnny is laid off for the winter so no extra money there, just his unemployment which pays hte rent and about $50 a week left over. For example here is how lsat night went as we were looking for a way to come up with supper. I have $2 in my pocket in the jeans in the bedroom, I think I saw a quarter and two dimes on the bureau. He says I hvae $4 and I know there's some change in the car. before yoiu know it you got supper. And today is unemployment day again. Another week we are through.

Ideally I would love more money of course, but I will not give up my animals to have more. What would I have for a life then. My back bothers me so much thesw days I never get in my car and go anywhere.Haven't been off the property for over three weeks. What would life be for me if I didn't have my animals. They stay, I've had animals continually since a very small child, and thats not changing.I suppose I could ffeed them cheaper feed but then I would likely have higher vet bills and I never have any except regular care, never sickness.

Generally all yoiu can do is make more money or buy less. In your case I have no idea really. But I do know what living paycheck to paycheck is. Wish I knew more of what someone elses gripe was about it if they don't have to live that way.


athystle January 9 2009, 11:17:33 UTC
Is that milk price for a gallon? Here this week it was $4.79.


blitzen_ January 9 2009, 14:01:13 UTC
no, 2litre bottle = about 1/2 a gallon? a bit more. (i just looked that up!)

i understand not wanting to give up your animals. especially with being bound to your property. i feel similar about my horse - i can't NOT have a horse... but then i think, "christ, if i ever wanna get on my feet something needs to go."

i guess in that case, if jed gives up drinking & smoking, the pony may have to be sacrificed so we can buy a house or have children (and that starts a WHOLE 'nother debate on childfree V horsefree [or just childfree & everything it connotes]). then the pony would have to be leased out or go out on spell for several years, lol.

my dad is all about making money as well and i know he judges me on my bad money skillz. o well.

i think ppl gripe about it for a variety of reasons - do you go and spend everything you have on frivolities every pay day, meaning that youre struggling to pay for necessities down the track? are you disorganised? are you in credit debt by being sucked in and living beyond your means? why haven't you got a better paying job?

we've had friends do it to us here as well! one of jed's friends was like, "you and juanita really need to sort out your money!" as if it was a huge problem.

i think being frugal is a virtue to some, in a way.


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