Apr 20, 2008 09:02

i can't believe my silly pony.

so i went down south for a couple of days. when i got back on friday i saw evidence that my horse had been locked in the "prison" (an enclosed box stall for recalcitrant escapees OR sick ponies) as his breakky bucket was outside AND there was fresh poo in there.

however, he was back in his paddock & all appeared as normal.

got there yesterday & noticed his near hind was a bit swollen. Upon further investigation discovered a big motherfucker of a cut from the bulb of his heel, coming up er, towards the fetlock bony thing. CLEARLY i am well versed in horse body parts. it's about 1.5-2inches long. he's also got a dose of greasy heel, which i never spotted! omg i am a bad mutha!

it is quite deep & probably should have been stitched if we'd of caught it earlier. however, it had already started to scab & harden up, so we hosed it down quite a lot to help reduce the swelling. then it was washed out with betadine (iodine) and yellow lotion-ed and packed with gauze, then wrapped.

as there's MUCH sand in his yard the packing is pretty useless - he really needs a hoof bag or something, which i will get today. i don't really have much of a first aid kit - my theory is that if i can't treat it with Cetrigen (Purple Paint), then it needs a vet.

well, this is a bit more than Cetrigen can deal with, however, Karen has a VERY IMPRESSIVE first aid kit & she is happy to share the medical love.

but i'm going to pick up:
Yellow Lotion
Non-stick Gauze

Vet is coming tomorrow ANYWAY, so i guess that's fortunate. He wouldn't be able to do anything with the wound besides wash it out & treat it as we have - too bad we didn't catch it earlier. I'm pretty sure beej didn't have it on Friday when i saw him, but i didn't take him out of his paddock at all. didn't see any swelling or anything tho.
NO idea how he did do it - possibly on a root or something? idk.

anyways. the Prison.

so, on Wednesday night there were some pretty severe storms apparently. Beejay, terrified, broke out of his house MANY times & caused muchos havoc. all of the horses were worked up. he kept breaking out every time he was put back, so paul just locked him in the prison overnight. being in a confined space probably reminded him of his previous life so i imagine he felt much better. lol.

he was STILL antsy & worked up on Thursday, so he was left in the prison. ALL the horses were worked up, actually. by the time thursday arvo rolled around, he was very subdued & was released back into his paddock. silly pony.

Paul said that not only did beej bolt around, but he also stomped on his foot, reared up in front of him AND took off even after he was haltered & had the lead (remember this is mid lighhtning & rain) and gave him rope burn!

i was like, "OMG PAUL, don't evict me! i'm so sorry i've got a naughty horse"
he was very nice & said that we can't control what our horses do. Paul is a pretty relaxed dude, however, i have seen him swearing MUCHLY over naughty escapee ponies & that is WITHOUT being injured.

however, if i were Pam, on the other hand, i would be evicted because he's had enough of her, lol.

meh. poor pam.


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