
Apr 14, 2008 11:08

i forgot to post this.
last monday, Beejy was lucky enough to have a massage from kelli. she combined her usual Deep tissue massage with some Equine Touch. ET is a vibrational therapy similar to bowen, but it is very strict about not 'touching' the horse after the session because it will disrupt the healing nature of the vibrations... anyways.

beejay was not impressed. he is NOT a big fan of deep tissue & was constantly moving, turning to bite her or kicking out. it's taken him a long time to adjust to bowen too & it's been a year since kelli worked on him so maybe that's another reason. she has done one off sessions just massaging certain points etc, but not a full on body session like she did on monday.

because he's such a tense horse & is not really a fan of being 'touched' he tends to find massages a real challenge. he is getting a lot better, and has vastly improved since his first sessions with kelli over a year ago, but i could tell he really was not happy about the deep tissue stuff & seems to prefer vibrational therapy.


He is getting his teeth done (via power drill! omg! and sedation! omg!), plus a paraffin drench to move any sand in his gut AND his needles and maybe a vet wormer, all next monday. poor guy will not be happy! bet that makes him tense up. prob won't be able to ride him for a few days, but that's okay.

i don't normally get regular paraffin drenches done, but he is a total HOOVER and i'd rather take steps to prevent sand colic than have it surprise us some day... plus it's really the time of year for sand colic, what with all the green pick coming up from the recent rains.

I'm going to busselton tomorrow, with the horsefloat, to pick up a load of hay. thank god!
he's been on oaten hay for the last couple of weeks. he loves his oaten hay & will go for that over meadow hay, BUT for some reason he's happy to waste his oaten hay & toss it around and leave bits of it, whilst he cleans up the meadow hay really quick. idk.
i've also reduced the amt of chaff he gets in the mornings as well now.

i've also bought one of these rugs from KDS Equestrian:
they are SUPER cheap. can't stand the colour tho... o well. yellow on a redhead just so does NOT look good.

it's a pretty hardcore rug tho - i didn't think about it & for some reason thought it wouldn't be that heavy... but it is! he's getting clipped soon so he won't wear it until then. tho his coat at the moment is BEEYOOTIFUL and exactly what i love, but he'll be a hairy mammoth in no time really.

today i am supposed to be cleaning the house then going to see him. i dunno! i am absolutely not motivated to clean! argh!
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