Goodness me, what a debaucle, part deux

Apr 13, 2008 07:33

oh, if anyone here speaks french, can you please translate: La Roux
i'm pretty sure it does not technically mean "red head"... or does it? and i thought a roux was a type of soup???


man. we bought pizza last night & just crashed. tried to watch St Trinians... what a waste of fucking time! i went to sleep. very, very lame. and had so much potential - i was envisioning a sort of The Craft/MeanGirls sort of blend, or at least something hip and cool. that was just LAME.


so back to my naughty horse.
whilst i was finishing the raking of the divots (!) i tied him up at his house. little fucker managed to undo himself & started walking (slowly & silently!) back out the gate...
and thus ensues part TWO of the great chase.

this time he had his rope halter & training lead on and i must admit it is much easier going for a 12' leadrope than NOTHING. he walked JUSt fast enough to stay ahead (and he was putting hoofprints in my nicely raked raceway too!) and i was being a ballerina trying to jump on the trailing rope. eventually caught it and him and as soon as he felt pressure, to his credit, he flicked around to face me.

i was a TAD miffed by this stage (wasn't really before) & i reacted badly when he pushed in towards my personal space (which at this stage had a 3m radius!) after he'd turned around, and i sent him flying back with a very angry look and some phase 123123. shouldn't have done that BUT he kept right away from me and followed me very meekly.

i took him back to his house and tied him up SHORT. i'm lucky that he is a good 'tyer'. blitz was too but occassionally he'd test the waters & pull back, especially if he got a fright. beej doesn't (that i know of) and won't fight being tied at all. because i mostly ground tie & rarely RARELY tie my horses up i think he was aware, in some horsey way, that he was in big trouble. so i left him tied whilst i finished raking, picked up his poo, organised guinness' food and then tipped beej's food out. he got a bit antsy when i brought his dinner out, but fuckim!

by this stage it was dark, around 6.30. decided that fuckim, i was going to ride anyway! considering i'd used up all my daylight raking divots and organising the MESS my horse had made for me, i still wanted to ride & i kinda wanted him to know that hijinks from him would not equate to no work.

so, we had our first 'night' ride and he did not batt an eye! very impressed. it was a bit harder to see, obviously, and i didn't get a true softening from him. god, the elusive 'softness' - i can some days & can't the other & if he's at all concerned about other things i can feel his eyes straining on stalks & as a result, not as soft as i'd like. that's where i've gotta improve my riding so much so that he just does not worry about outside things at all. it's STARTING to happen, thanks to tips from carly with outside rein & controlling the poll etc, but @#!@#

anyway. we did some nice leg yielding and walk/trot/halt transitions and half halting. went all over the whole arena and he didn't gawk at the long boys or anything like that. i guess he knew not to mess with mummy..

after i'd cooled him down & put him to bed & was on my way home, i spotted guinness leaning RIGHT over his fence & trying to suck up the leftover feed from when beej spilt his dinner. guinness had finished his own by this time. clearly, electric fence not even working!!!
so i had to problem solve & figure out how to keep him off the fence... goddamnit.

so. i a) gave him more hay and b) tipped water (??) on the ground where the feed had spilt in an attempt to 'wash away' the leftover food (this is on grass, mind you, so i can't exactly sweep it up, and most of it had already been picked up - guinness is just a piglet).

what a clever idea! if anyone has an alternate suggestion, please let me know, as i ended up with water ALL over me & froze my tits off on the drive home. literally. there were icicles. lol.

blah. horses are fun, but they give me the shits sometimes!
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