Naughty Verbs

Feb 25, 2008 21:22

oooh boy. sometimes there are days when being a teacher is just one great big giggle.

so. imagine me, being lazy. up the front of my classroom, butt parked on an empty desk, being INCREDIBLY boring and forcing the kids thru a worksheet on adverbs & adjectives (and do we remember what THEY are, people???). so i started blathering to myself/half to them (i do this sometimes - sometimes i even break into song or beat... i think it scares them, haha) about adverbs, then my train of thought leads into thinking about "naughty verbs" and then it just got WAY TOO EXCITING so we decided to do sentences on "naughty verbs".

so first of all, list all the 'naughty verbs' you can think of. What's a verb - something you can SEE & TOUCH of course (even more naughty! it just went on and on)

lick, sip, suck, tickle, tug, touch, stroke, rub... you get the picture.

then write a sentence that uses an adverb; quickly, smoothly, fast, slow, jerkily, roughly etc.

so. include a subject and a noun and bob's ur uncle!

some brilliant sentences. kids were SO engaged and INTO it. it was bloody hilarious. no swear words or anything offensive, but just toying around with things like:

"John lovingly stroked the handle of his long wooden tool."


i am tempted to post this over in teaching but i think it would BLOW their minds.


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