Blitzy Ditzy

Nov 04, 2007 08:40

Yes, i put blitzen thru this as well.

Like me, he really is very good at being phat.

hurrr, he is so phat he can barely open his eyes.

he even has phat hair!

more proof of the phatness.

he is so phat, even small ponies must get out of the way.

i LUFF him.

he's so funny to groundtie, he doesn't wanna be separate from me. it makes me feel VERY loved - even if he's way over the other side of the paddock he still whinny's LOUDLY after i call/whistle and he'll usually kick up a canter to see me. i know he's an animal and they don't love in the same way people do, but i feel very reassured and appreciated when i see him.

pics, blitzy

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