Nov 22, 2010 15:55
We dance well together, Mortgaged and I. We weave our way around one another in the small area around our stove as we prepare meals, or as one of us cooks and the other does dishes. We deftly leap frog our schedules to make sure that we both get enough chances to exercise and to relax, and that the more stressed out person, especially, gets enough time to rest. We twist and turn together in the small amount of floor space in our room as we put away the laundry. We choreograph the other chores so that somehow, between the two of us, the appropriate moves are executed to complete…well…a number of them anyway. I said we dance well together, not that we are domestic deities.
It’s companionable and loving, and I adore the different ways we dance together. These musings were prompted by yesterday’s flurry of activity. We spent Sunday afternoon and evening scrubbing the walls, steaming the carpet and completing some of the other deep cleaning chores together in preparation for the coming Thanksgiving festivities before heading into the kitchen to prep soup for this week’s meals. Yet, oddly enough, I went to bed in an excellent mood thinking I have had the best weekend.
Of course, on the actual, non metaphorical dance floor we both have a tendency towards two left feet. But, in their own way, four left feet are oddly compatible and, while it may not be pretty, we dance well together there as well.
posted displays of affection