Planes, Trains, and Meeple?: The Weekend in Review

Jan 30, 2007 12:23

Alright, so there weren't really any planes and, yes, this is a weekend update posted on a Tuesday.  What can I say?  It's been one of those weeks so far and yet I still feel and overwhelming OCD desire to make a record of my weekend doing for later.  Hmmm...when overworked history geeks go bad?  But I digress...

mortgaged and I wanted very badly to see Smokin' Aces but my head had other ideas.  I'd had one of those minimal pain, but maximum pressure, visual effects, and other annoying symptoms kind of migraines for most of the week and brought it back on Friday with an ill-timed but oh-so-delicious sushi lunch.  When I am migraine-ing or have recently done so, anything really salty, like oh, say, soy sauce for example, is a very bad idea.  Hey, I never said I was bright all of the time...or even most of the time, really.  So Smokin' Aces was right out as, with that kind of a migraine, cool special effects like quick cut action sequences make me dizzy and cause that evil little man that I swear lives in my head to pick up his mallet and start taking swings at my skull.

Fortunately, an impromptu game night, however, was right up my alley...though I was extremely ditzy for most of the evening, another side effect of my head woes. *Just so you know, I'm sticking my tongue out now at the joker who just thought 'how could you tell'*  
mortgaged and I taught
bouchezmoi, and 
digital_rider how to play Ticket to Ride, and then
batosai joined us for a game of Carcasonne.  One of the many, many fun things about having really smart friends is that it makes playing games even more fun.  I love seeing how everyone's minds work, what strategies they prefer, etc...  And, in this crowd, I'm still my hyper-competitive self, but I don't mind losing (which I did all night :) ) because the competition is impressive and interesting...kind of like when just Mortgaged and i are playing.  I hope we get to do this again some time.

mortgaged and I retrieved our artwork from the frame shop - it looks sooooooo pretty!!! - and ran a few other errands before joining our friend McC for Brazilian barbeque.  Mmmmm, very tasty.  Sunday was a lazy chore day for me.  I got to IM a bit with H, my friend in the Air Force and sort, organize, and shred my way through another of the piles 
mortgaged and I seem to collect.  He went to NTRS's house to help him bring a load of heavy slate tile back to his house for an impending kitchen remodel.

We watched Rome in the evening and relaxed for the week ahead.  I love Rome!  I love how they're playing out Octavian character and Cicero's in the feud with Mark Anotony!  I'm so disappointed that I just learned this may be the last season that I can't even begin to describe it...although I suppose they'll finish with Octavian's battle with/defeat of Mark Antony and rise to become Augustus Caesar this season and then what?  Oh well.  Better to end on a high note than just sort of fade off the air.

health, tv, fun with friends, updates, being the responsible brown, movies, would you like to play a game?

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