Living in the past

Mar 27, 2008 22:35

As I have 2 weeks off work, I'm indulging my inner 10 year old

This has nothing, I repeat NOTHING to do with turning 25 / trying to figure out how the recent work force reorganisation will affect my pension / the crease in my forehead that now seems to have become a permenant fixture of my face.

(although certain people have been warned that my 25th birthday celebrations may involve a trip to Lazer Quest)

Movies Watched;

- Fern Gully, The Last Rainforest
- The Slipper and The Rose (still singing 'Angels danced around the room' gah! I'm such a hopeless sap)
- The Goonies
- Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves (I can't help but prefer Men in Tights, although I always wanted to live in their awesome tree house village!
- The Burbs
- Alladin (still know the lyrics. God help me)
- The Princess Bride (my sister who had never seen it before is now constantly shouting at my Dad to 'TWEASURE YOUR WIFE!'. I'm so proud. (after all, mawwige is a Holy Sacwament))

Books read

- Alanna - The First Adventure - Tamora Pierce
- well, that's it actually. Still waiting for the rest of the books to arrive (fit of nostalgia + amazon + credit card = numerous packages). Yup, they're cliched teen fantasy books, but aside from The Hobbit and The Chronicals of Narnia, they're the only fantasy books I read as a child (what else was there? I was brought up on Enid Blyton and Anne of Green Gables). They were, in some ways, the first. My precursor to Reymond E. Fiest, George R. R. Martin and hell, anyone I've read even close to the genre. And as such, they are important to me.

Right now I'm watching episodes of Trapdoor on utube.

Remind me of anything a child born in 1983 would remember!

(not Power Rangers, I hated the feckers. Much prefered Prince Valiant and Pirates of the Dark Water - which you can't get on dvd for the blood of 5 virgins!)


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