Give me an inch....

Nov 23, 2007 20:51

I suppose everyone gets excited when they're first given their own space at work, be it a new desk, an office all to themselves or in my case a classroom.

BTW, for classroom read 'large cupboard with windows'.

Either way, I'm not fussed because as soon as I take up my new position in January it will be MINE!

I've been spending my free time this week preparing for the handover of jobs. The girl who I'm going to be taking over from has been filling me in.

Incidentally, she was in my year in high school, and no, we didn't get along so well. No open warfare, we just tended to ignore each other. A tactic she's been continuing to employ for the last year. It's been fairly amusing watching her attempt to be friendly now we have to interact, both of us knowing full well she's been a bit of a cow for going on 12 months.

So she's explaining this and that. I'm sat there, returning her fake smile and pretending to listen whilst looking around the room thinking of all the things I'm going to change and add.

I'm thinking 'PLANTS!!! Potted plants! Every classroom needs them!' (beyond ridiculous as I kill plants. All plants. I kill them beyond dead. If I were to destroy their existence any more than I already do a new black hole would open on my window sill every few months).

I'm considering whether I can get enough fabric to create a canopy for the ceiling, how I could best attach it if I could, and whether I should decorate it with stars or various weather symbols.

I'm singing 'Mine mine mine mine' to the tune of the 'Two and a Half Men' theme (just try getting that out of your head once it's in there. More evidence for that show being EVIL).

Aside from that the high point of my week was a trip to the fire station with my year 5 class. Everyone tends to get very excited when the fire services come into school. Excitement is invariably squashed when a balding middle aged fireman turns up to talk to the kids. Not so when you actually go to the fire station!

Among my favourites was cycled-to-work-in-little-stretchy-shorts-then-reappeared-in-his-pretty-blue-uniform!fireman.

The purpose of the trip was for a team of our children to take on teams from 4 other schools in a fire safety quiz. At a half way point there was a bathroom break for the children. Aside from this break, as it's a working firestation, the children had to stay put. I had with me a little girl for whom this wouldn't be possible for medical reasons. So I sidle up to the big bulky (6"5 at least I swear, the man was a GIANT) fireman guarding the exit to explain this to him.

I return to my seat as the quiz is about to start and silence has fallen. At which point one of my little boys turns around and asks at the top of his voice 'Miss! Were you chatting up that fireman?'.

Said fireman grins and winks. I shuffle down in my seat and consider the fact that I've spent the last 5 min discussing bladder infections with him.


school stories, rl

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