Hey Hi Hello =)
(*sniff* that reminds me of Miss Katie..and shes in Dallas..and i havent seen her in like 8826489 years..whatev..i miss you Kt!)
- mom and dad worked..blah blah me and Wes stayed home did nothing
- went to babysitting..then to soccer (late) my head started hurting =/ passing out seriously sucks..whatev
- slept over Taylors =) i effing love her! crazy stuff we do..mwahah!
This Morning..
- i was going to go to the beach with Taylor Trev and Jordan..but they were going with some friends of theres i didnt know..and i would feel weird interrupting..idno =/ i hope you guys had fun tho =)
- mom picked me up and we went to Dunkin Donuts (effing yummm) and bought a dozen donuts and two iced coffees =)
- went home and cleaned up a little and then went out to Sports Authority and Ross where i got a pair of Nike running shoes (S.A) and three pairs of cheerleading shorts for camp. and then at Ross i got a pair of white high heel flip flops and a white one row studded belt =) muy cute mwahah lol
- came home and drank like a million bottles of water and changed into work-out clothes and went for a run with my doogie =) we ran down to my Nana's house and Bubba like died on the way back..lol he couldnt keep up with me in my new trainers =) haha jk
- helped mom install our new ceiling fan and wall sconces (sp?) and lights and stuff
- drank more water..=P
- went out back and juggled for an hour..we hafta get 15 juggles in 6minutes..i can get 11 and 13 juggles in 6 minutes..and 15 juggles in like 10 minutes..i suck..and im so effing screwed..
as for now?..im watching the Ashlee Simpson Show which i effing love =) bahah..Ryan Cabrera.. (merde.) how do-able is he?! yummmmm lol
the girls are watching Ice Age haha i love that movie..so funny =)
could someone please comment? =( no one comments anymore..i guess that means no one read this piece of crap lol