Jul 12, 2004 21:44
:: whO am i? - the basics ::
name: Lauren
nicknames: Laur
height: 5'5"
eyes: green
hair: dirty blonde
age: 15
birthday: May 5th
lOcatiOn: FlOrida
schOOl: west shore
schOOl activities: sOccer
siblings: 1 brother
lOve stats: Single..
pets: 1 dOogie - gOlden retriever named Bubba
jOb: Babysitting like every freaking day lol
car: tOyOta camry
:: these are a few Of my favorite things.. ::
hObbies: Shopping, hanging with friends, going to the beach, movies, sOccer..
brands/stOres: Hollister, AE, Aeropostale, Reference, CharlOtte Russe
classes: English
cOlOrs: P!nk, green, blue
tv shOws: The OC, Friends, Summerland, North ShOre, Newlyweds
mOvies: The NOtebOok, A Walk tO remember, 1o things i hate about you, Enough, The Ring, The Wedding Planner, The Day After Tomorrow, Castaway, Titanic, many mOre =)
actOrs: Ryan GOsling, Paul Walker, Jake Gyllenhal (sp?), Tobey Mcguire, Shia LeBouf (sp?), Ben Affleck
actresses: Rachel McAdams, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Mandy Moore, Kirsten Dunst, Maggie Gyllenhal (sp?), Kate Hudson, Kiera Knightly
fOOds: sushi, pizza, pasta, barbeque, ice cream, popsicles, chicken nuggets, anything fast lol
restaraunts: Makotos, Bellas, McDonalds, Wendys, The Rush coffee shop =), Siam Orchid, Subway, many more
beverages: dr. pepper, "virgin" pina colodas (right Chels), rOot beer, Juicy Juice, GatOrade, alcohol ;) lol
spOrts: sOccer
:: stuff that sucks ::
straight-up hates: fake people, drama, people who talk shit and dont even know you! >=((
fears: being alOne fOr the rest Of my life, snakes, and tOrnadOes
pet peeves: dirty people, greasy hair, perfect people..ugh lol
fOOd: whatev! food = awesome! lol
singers: Prince (lol Chels)
:: this Or that? ::
MiCkY D's or BuRgEr KiNg? McDonalds
CoKe oR PePsI? Pepsi
BrItNeY oR ChRiStInA? Britney
DaYtImE oR NiGhTiMe? daytime
AmErIcAn EaGlE oR AbErCromBiE? American eagle
GeT EvEn oR GeT OvEr iT? get over it
ChOcOLaTe Or VaNiLLa? vanilla
SuMmEr oR WiNtEr? summer
TaLk oNliNe oR On PhOnE? online [[ unless im dating you ;)]]
Be A TeRrIbLe DaNcEr or TeRRibLe SiNgEr: Be a terrible singer