Reinflating the bubble (A cheap victory)

Jan 24, 2009 13:38

I don't think Obama's off to a particularly good start in this whole "Change" thing. I know he needs to get out of the woods and received a big boost in october due to a crumbling economy.

However, instead of dealing with the economic problems long term the new administration is reinflating the bubble which got us here in the first place. This will work and it may seem like we're back on track, but i think those in the know are now twice as nervous.

So far
-Bush Tax cuts extended until 2011
-Massive infrastructure overhaul (When it's over then what?)
-Fed Rate between 0 and .25% (Free Money/Hyper inflation, not Obama's fault but Obama should know the relationship)
-Stimulus or more tax breaks?

The question you should be asking is where is this money coming from? Did we save for a rainy day? Ha. We may need a profitable war or just screw our kids even further with mass amounts of debt.

Call me a libertarian but sometimes you should let some of these companies get what they deserve and let the free market do it's job. I mean i wouldn't have a job but i think i'd be ok with that provided responsible things were being done. In short, i don't think i deserve to work or my company to continue to do business. Nobody wants to do business with a company that's potentially on it's way out.

If you're making the same amount of money saying that "I'm just glad to have a job" you're not paying attention to the fact that the cost of everything is going up.

Consumer Spending is 2/3rds of our economy. People don't know how to save or are generally financially sound in my generation. I think people just get use to what they have despite the fact they could of planned for it. If this behavior continues i'm concerned for future dependents. Like sorry you didn't get to go to college because i lost my job.
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