Jan 24, 2006 22:09
Soooo much work to do for school. Actually, it's not even really the volume of work, it's more the fact that the reading is just so tedious and I don't really wanna look at it. I still have a fair bit of reading to do before I can allow myself to sleep, so I brewed up some coffee. I've swapped out Silk (brand of soy milk) with milk in my diet, so I've been experimenting with trying it out in random things, like the coffee I just brewed up. I want to say it tastes interesting, but really it tastes awful lol.
Uhm, I had a legal battle with WoW the other day (with Julia assisting as my very brave lawyer), and I've for the moment managed to win custody of my soul back. Of course my heart sings everytime I log on to WoW, so I have to get a fix of some sort every now and again, but the days of me raiding 4-5 days a week for 4-6 hours a night should be gone for a good long while.
Actually I've called in some additional back-up: I've ordered a copy of Guild Wars in an attempt to find a manageable substitute for WoW. GW just isn't as interesting to me as WoW is, so in theory it's very ideal lol. ......I predict it should help me for all of a month at least. :p