:: sigh :: I was just watching some of the old videos I took of people at school (including you, though you probably don't remember, seeing as you were depressed and cranky that night), and thinking a lot about the past year and it dawned on me how much I miss having you around. I mean, I guess I never noticed before because of all the drama that goes on around me (most of it probably cause BY me) and because of how busy I've been. I miss talking to you, and sliding down railings and going to Turkey hill and playing "Name that Disney Song!" and having Kim shoot me evil glances whenever she decided you were paying too much attention to me. Well, maybe I don't miss the Kim stuff so much, but I do miss you and all the fun we used to have. I mean, we had our share of bad stuff, just like all friends do, but I like to think there was more good than bad. You're the person I miss most from school, aside from Drew (and I'm kind of obligated to miss him more), and I regret now more than ever not being able to come back in the fall. Maybe during Thanksgiving you can go with Joan again and come visit me. I know she'll be in MI, and it would be great to see you both.
I guess I just wanted to say I miss you (in case you hadn't picked up on that the last few times I said it) and that I hope we can talk again soon. <3 <3 <3
Wow, I haven't ever really read someone else's LJ before nor commented...I guess I should...Anyway I just wanted to say I never meant to shoot evil glances at you Sarah, hope it wasn't offensive. I didn't realize I was; I was feeling pretty conflicted and it was all my own problem so...hope you weren't offended. Hope you're doing well, and aren't lonely. :) -Kim (LJ Kimmira)
I never thought I had actually touched someone's life that deeply to be missed on so many ocassions. Sure I've had my share of omnipresence and invisibility but wow. I don't think I remember what vid it was. Unfortunately or coincidentely, I already have plans for this coming Thanksgiving so I'll only be able to see you in january when school reconvenes. I'm supposed to be going to Kim's this time. I do miss tons of moments we spent together as well: the scowling at the crows, the "annoying" massage sessions in which I'd start and then suddenly stop and you'd complain, the songs you get stuck in my head by having them stuck in yours, the catching you by surprise and scaring you. Hopefully when you come back you'll find some time away from Drew for us to have some old time catcher-uppers. I'm sorry for the times I act like I know you or that I befriend your friends and talk to them behind your back but I'm glad we managed to get over that. Miss you tons. Pedro +Big Hug+
I guess I just wanted to say I miss you (in case you hadn't picked up on that the last few times I said it) and that I hope we can talk again soon. <3 <3 <3
(LJ Kimmira)
+Big Hug+
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