Wow, an entry.

Dec 26, 2008 12:07

Okay, so allow me to explain myself. Yes, i am never on. And yes, it's been two months since i last posted a fanfiction chapter. Now, that's not because i don't have anymore chapters to post. Actually i think there's 3 sitting on my laptop waiting to be posted for people to read. And surprisingly it's not my life as a full time nanny that's getting in the way this time, i'm actually starting to get the hang of that whole thing believe it or not. Oh yes, it still sucks, but i'm learning to live with it. Now, the reason i'm not around posting is because i no longer have the internet. Talk about things that suck, how about that!? Yes, i am internet-less. I have been for almost 2 months now, and it's horrible. The unpaidness of my bills, caused the nice man at the internet (and cable) company to decide to shut off my service until i decided to actually pay my bills. And what do ya know, i decided right then and there to pay them. Unfortunately, my lack of money won out, and my decision was overturned by the evil force that is know as poverty. Oh, how much fun it is when you are the working poor. So what with all my time and energy being placed on keeping the apartment paid for as well as the heat, things like internet, cable and phone are fringe benefits that i just cannot afford right now. So i do not know how long it will be until i get the net back, i'm hoping my father will spare me and pay for my net since he's already paying for my mothers (i'm using her computer right now as it is). But i'm not going to hold my breath for him to do that, because ha, then i'd just end up turning blue.
Anyway, so until things are fixed and my life is out of the shitter, i don't know when i'll get a chance to post any more fanfics, or anything else for that matter. Do forgive me, i feel like such a shmuck. Which is just compounded by the fact that i've yet to see the Doctor Who special, since i get all my Who online. So to say that i'm pouting would be and understatement.
Anywho, i hope everyone had a good holiday. And i hopefully will be on again sometime soon.

real life

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