I Need You Safe 11/??

Oct 18, 2008 11:57

Series: I need you safe
Part: Eleven
Word Count: 1971
Characters: Jack Harkness, Martha Jones, Ianto Jones, OFC, OMC.
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Martha/Tom
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst! AU!
Warning: Spoilers for Exit Wounds and the whole of the second series.
Disclaimer: Alas the Torchwood character's are not mine, they belong to other more fabulous people. Which makes me sad. The OC's are all my creations though, not that i wouldn't share them with RTD. 'Cause i so would ^_^

Un-beta'ed, sorry. Any and all mistakes are my own (i'm known as the typo queen around friends), and i apologize for them.

Author's Note: I know it's been over a month since i updated, and because of this i'll be posting another chapter later on today. But i'm working 60 hour weeks and it's leaving no time for anything else really, see my little rant about it
*here*. So because of that a HUGE MASSIVE apology from me is issued to everyone who's been reading this fic and is annoyed about how crappy i am when it comes to updating. You may all kick me once very hard because of that, start a line up! Lol.

Summary: Jack takes desperate measures to assure his remaining staff is safe, which leaves him with a new team who are experiencing a VERY different side of Jack. Now it's up to one of his closest friends to try and straighten things out.

“You sure you’ll be okay?” Martha asked Jack. The two were once again standing out in front of the water tower, the afternoon sun beaming warmly down on them.

“I’ll be fine Martha, stop acting like a mother hen.” He smiled.

Martha chuckled, pushing a bit of her hair out of her face. “I can’t help it, I worry.”

“I know.” Jack nodded. “Now you better go, you’ll miss your ride.”

“Well not really. See, a UNIT transport can’t actually leave without the UNIT officer that it was suppose to fetch.” She smirked.

“Go, or you’ll never leave.” Jack smiled at her.

“Fine.” Martha laughed softly. “But, will you do me a favor?”


“Talk to him.”

Jack shifted uncomfortably, his gaze wandering away from the woman. “I don’t know.” The uncertainty he felt could be heard in his voice.

“Jack, it’s been two weeks. Talk to Ianto, please?”

He sighed. “Look, two weeks or not. The last time I saw him was the night Collin died, and I wasn’t exactly right of mind.” He thought back to his emotional breakdown. “It’s not exactly a meeting I’m looking forward to following up on.” He said with a little roll of his eyes.

“Jack.” Martha began, placing a caring hand on the man's arm. “You can’t hide from him forever.”

With a sigh, Jack nodded. She was right, he knew she was right. He and Ianto would have to talk sooner or later, he just wished it would be later.

“Okay, now I’m going to go.” She smiled. “Be good. Be Jack.” She told him meaningfully, giving the man a knowing look. “And remember, I’ll know if you’re not.” She pointed at him. “I’ve got eyes and ears everywhere now.” Martha joked, referring to the Torchwood team.

Jack chuckled. “Yes, mum.” He teased. “Love you.” He said as he hugged her goodbye.

“Love you too, be good.” Martha smiled, turning to leave. She barely walked three steps before stopping and turning back toward him again. “And Jack.”


“Take care of them, okay?” She said with a little pleading look.

Jack nodded. “Promise.”

Martha gave a curt nod at that, content with his answer before finally walking away, leaving Jack alone.


Jack stood by the tower for a few more minutes before huffing and stalking off down toward the café. It was only a short walk, that he knew all too well. Much too short for his liking. Because before he knew it, he was standing outside the shop looking through the front window. He watched Ianto serve various customers, smiling and chatting with each person. The obvious regulars stopping to speak a mite longer than others, who just stayed long enough to exchange the odd pleasantry.

He watched as a tall red headed woman around Ianto’s age bound up to the counter happily, a sparkling smile on her face. Ianto and the woman spoke for a moment, laughing at something before they leaned across the small bit of counter and shared a quick chaste kiss.
Although he hated to admit it, that friendly little peck on the lips bothered Jack more that he knew it should have. Not that he had any real right to be bothered by it, he knew that. Ianto was no longer his, he had seen to that rather thoroughly. Too thoroughly he was starting to think.

Jack, who had been to preoccupied with quelling his unheeded feelings of sudden jealousy, didn’t notice the shop door open and the woman in question exit.

“See you at home!” She called back over her shoulder, almost plowing into Jack due to them both not paying attention. “Oh! I’m sorry.” She apologized quickly, smiling at him.

“It’s fine.” Jack assured her, waving off her apology.

With a nod she continued on her way, Jack watching her as she did. She was beautiful, with alabaster skin and large set eyes. Both of which went amazingly well with her shoulder length red hair. He sighed, it only made sense that Ianto would be seeing someone gorgeous. After all, Ianto himself was gorgeous.

Turning back toward the window, Jack saw Ianto staring at him from behind the counter. The two men locked sights on one another for one breathless moment, blue eyes bore into blue eyes. It wasn’t until Jack shook his head softly did he break eye contact, turning to leave. Which is why he didn’t see the younger man quickly making his way to the door.

“Running away are you?” Ianto said from the door way just ask Jack took his first few steps in retreat.

With a chuckle he turned to face Ianto, who stepped out of the shop to lean against the front window in an almost lazy manner.

“Not running, ambling.”

“Hmmm, ambling does have more style.” Ianto quipped dryly.

Jack couldn’t contain his small smirk at hearing Ianto’s quick witted sarcasm after so long, which he knew was nobody’s fault but his own.

The two lapsed into an awkward silence for a minute before Jack finally moved to stand next to the Welshman, leaning sideways against the glass so he could look at the other man easily.

“How are you doing?” Ianto asked suddenly, almost shyly.

“Great!” Jack responded too quickly, only to pause. “Good.” Another pause was followed by a shrug. “Okay.”

Ianto raised an eyebrow at him.

Jack canted his head to the side, an uneasy look gracing his features momentarily. “I’ll be fine.” He said honestly. “It’s just been a long month. What with Martha being a pain in the ass, and...” He trailed off, shrugging again. “You know.”

“Yeah.” Ianto nodded understandingly. “I’m sorry about your team member.”


After that they both fell silent once again, the only noise was the muffled din of the coffee shop that drifted out to them each time someone would open the door.

“I want to apologize.” Jack said suddenly. “About making an ass out of myself the other night.”

“You didn’t make an ass out of yourself.”

“Oh no?” Jack said in a disbelieving tone, thinking back to the night he had sobbed in the other man’s arms.

“No.” Ianto said simply, looking at him intently. “You were in pain, it is allowed you know.”

“Thanks.” Jack said softly, smiling a bit. “So...” He started, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. “Who’s the red head?”

At that Ianto scoffed, shaking his head. “You just had to ask, didn’t you?”

“I’m just curious is all.”


“I, I am. I’m just, it, I was just...” Jack fumbled over his words.

“Curious?” Ianto finished.


“Jack, I’m not yours anymore.” Ianto said plainly, his voice held a slight morose tone to it. “You made sure of that when you sent me away. So, curious or not, I don’t see what business it is of yours.”

“No, no, you’re right. It’s none of my business. I um... yeah, just forget it.” Jack shook his head. “Listen, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you.” He said rather abruptly, moving to leave.

Ianto watched him walk away, his heart pounding loudly in his ears. Before he even knew what he was doing, Ianto called out. “Jack!”

Jack turned around, looking back at the Welshman questioningly.

“The red head, Lily.” Ianto begun, walking toward the other man. “She’s my roommate, nothing more. We’re just friends.” He told Jack as he folded his arms over his chest in a protective manner.

“Okay.” Jack nodded.

“But that doesn’t mean that I didn’t...”

“No, I know.”

“Because I did.”

“Yeah, yeah of course.”

“It’s not like I sat around pining for you or anything.” Ianto said, looking off to the side for a moment.

“No, I never said you did.”

“Because I didn’t even know who you were, I couldn’t have.... you know, pined.” He finished lamely.

“Okay.” Jack nodded again.

“Okay.” Ianto paused momentarily. “I should um, I should really be getting back to work.”


“Bye.” Ianto said quickly before turning and making his way back to the coffee shop.

“Bye.” Jack said, although he was sure the other man didn’t hear him. Nor did he see the small bright smile that crept onto Jack’s face as he turned and began walking back to the Hub, hope sparkling in his sky blue eyes.


Back at Torchwood, Jack entered the headquarters via the tourist entrance. There he found Emma sitting behind the front desk, quickly wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Obviously trying to hide that fact that she had just been caught crying, again.

The many mixed emotions that had been swimming within Jack after his encounter with Ianto were suddenly replaced by an overwhelming sympathy that he felt for the young girl. For so long he hadn’t seen his team as people, he didn’t really know what he had seen them as. Staff? Possibly only a little higher up on the food chain then the office furniture. Expendable he thought, his stomach lurching violently. But right then, as he watched Emma attempt to pull herself together for fear of what he might say. All Jack wanted to do was pull her into his arms and apologize profusely for both her horrible loss and that fact that he had been such a prat for so long.

“Afternoon Sir.” She said, not looking at him.

Martha’s voice echoed in Jack’s mind; Take care of them. He had already taken the first steps toward mending his broken relationship with Ianto that afternoon, perhaps it was also time to work on his broken relationship with his team as well.

“Emma, please call me Jack.”

“Sir?” The young receptionist asked, finally looking at him.

“Jack, it’s my name. I think I’d prefer if you called me by it from now on.”

She just nodded softly, although looking a mite confused.


“Is there anything I can get you sir? Uh, I mean, Jack.” She said with a sniffle.

Jack just watched the blonde girl, how she avoided making eye contact. “Emma, do you want some time off?” He offered. “Like, if you need it, you can have some time off.”

“No I don’t.” She shook her head firmly. “Cause then I’ll just sit at home and....” She trailed off, turning her back to him as she fought off another wave of painful emotions.

Jack moved around the counter until he was standing next to the distraught woman. “Emma.” He said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry.” She apologized with a sniffle, finally turning to look at Jack. Her eyes red rimmed and shining with unshed tears.

“Don’t be. You’re in pain, it’s allowed.” He said, quoting Ianto.

Emma just nodded silently.

Jack stood there awkwardly for a moment, his hand still on her shoulder. “I’m so sorry about Collin.” He finally said softly.

“Me too.” She whispered.

“I didn’t even know you two were dating.”

“Interoffice dating is frowned upon.” She said simply.

“Yeah, that was one of my more idiotic rules.”

“Really?” She looked up at him in question.

“Really.” He nodded.

A broken sob escaped Emma’s lips, her hand flying up to cover her eyes. “I just keep expecting him to walk through the door.” She cried in a shaking voice.

“I know.”

“But he’s never going too.” She shook her head.

“No.” Jack said, finally pulling the girl into his arms. Hugging her closely as she dissolved into sobs, her small hands were clinging onto the lapels of his large coat. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, rocking her a little.

It was odd, even though her heart was so blatantly breaking. Right then, Jack could feel his beginning to mend. He was determined to put things right in his life, with both Ianto and his team. And that thought filled his heart with hope.

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 12

Love it? Hate it? Wanna take it home and cook it dinner? Let me know! Comments are love!

original characters, torchwood, rating-pg13, fanfic, jack/ianto

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