never ever...

Nov 26, 2005 22:35

...have I ever felt so low. -- all saints.

wow. this weekend has just been so full of ups and downs. ive been thinkin so much lately i think my brain is completely fried. this entry will be quite lengthy and quite negative. whatever.

powderpuff was a success. our girls rocked that field. i'm so proud of all of them! great job, ladies. kudos to jackiep for stepping up and laying that girl out. personally, i had a lot of fun. i got to hang with people i don't hang with on a normal basis, so that was cool. <3 go oak!

haha, when i was leaving the parking lot - i got into a fender bender with some gami slut. it was so funny. she claims it was my fault, but i've heard and believe differently. she was coming too quick around the corner - so eff off. you wanna fight this? i'm ready. i'll raise your insurance higher, bitchass. oh, thanks to justin and jay for helping me out and taking pictures. i guess i can count on justin to be there when i need him. (there's more about that later).

thanksgiving day wasn't too bad. i worked all day, but i was with my whole family and all the people at work that i just love to be around. no matter what, i love those people. we piss each other off, but we definitely have the best times ever. "we're in this together".   i know i can talk to them and my secret's safe. well most of them..specifically mary lou, alesia, jim, david, marisol, and kristen.  they're my favorites. =).

speaking of work. i'm so sick of hearing "im tired of this place." or "i'm quitting." or "i dont feel like clearing that table." so, if you're going to say anything of that nature, please make sure i'm not around. you chose the job and you can damn well drop the job. you need money? then suck it up and do the damn work. and don't say to me "you have no idea what it's like." i bussed for two years before anyone else got there, so bite me. i know what it's like. it's not the best job. but, regardless of what you think - you get a lot of money and a flexible schedule. and if you have a problem with the schedule, i don't want to hear it. get over it. OH, and with the whole calling out thing? not cool. if you know you're not going to be able to make it in to work, freaking call out as soon as you know. don't wait until less than an hour from the time you're supposed to come in to call it. we could be able to find someone to replace you. argh. i'm so sick of people being so miserable and grumpy and complaining. seriously. complain all you want, the work will sit there for you to do it. just grow up and deal with it. if you don't like it - too bad. leave. i love all the people there, but damn it's getting so ridiculous. i have been keeping my mouth shut recently, so i know you can, too.

i'm just so sick of people being constantly miserable. always having something to complain about. take a look around. look at everything you've been given. just be grateful. i know we all slip up and forget what we've been blessed with - i know i complain a lot. but at night, i honestly can say i look around and just say thanks for everything. even the smallest things. being miserable and constantly yelling and just being bitchy is so retarded. i dont understand it. why waste time being upset when you can be having the time of your life? i just wish some people could see how they act and how horrible it looks and makes others feel.

that felt good. i've wanted to get that out for a while. but while i'm still fired up, let's talk about lying. yeah, not cool. what's the point of lying to the people you claim to be your best friends? where is it going to get you? i'm so hurt that someone so close to me could easily lie like that and not have a guilty conscience. it makes you think a lot. and dont lie about something so stupid that it's not even worth it. i understand you want to save someone's feelings, but it doesnt matter. lying will ultimately hurt the people you trust. like me. i'm extremely hurt.

ahh. i think i've got the bad out of my system. moving onward. friday was thanksgiving here. everyone came and we had so much fun. my mom cooked a ton of food for all 19 people! it felt so good to have the ones i care about the most at my house all together and just having fun. marisol came, too, and that was sweet. i love her, she cracks me up! aw it was fun. i'm glad everyone could make it. i got to see my five little cousins again, so that was nice. i miss them terribly!

after dinner i went to chris's house and hung out with him for a little. we chilled in his room and talked. it was cute. then i went to target to meet up with jackiep and we saw jack. got to hang out for about ten minutes. then me and jackiep went to sears to see george! we walked around the mall for a little with him then went to the movies. we saw rent at 10:10. it was good. it's what i had expected, so i guess it wasn't anything spectacular. i still loved it and all, but you know. whatever. then me and jackiep went back to her house. then snuck over to jasmine's to hang out with justin and jay. that was quite interesting. a whole other story for a whole other time. =). i enjoyed myself. and the trip to wawa. and trying to go back to jackies. it was funny. thank you, justin, for taking care of us. haha. i guess i really can trust him when i need him the most. i figured he'd moved on and we wouldn't talk too much again, but this weekend proved that wrong.  i had an awesome time. "where's cle!? i need cle!?" -for what? what about me-. hahah. i love you people.

today kinda sucked. i hung out and drove around with jackiep, jay, and justin for a little. then i came home and slept before work. went to work and it was alright. we were kind of busy and mykal was the only bus help on, so i became a busser, too. i was running around like a maniac, answering phones, doing cash, and setting tables. ahh. but, i had fun, still! alesia and jean came in and we had some good talks. i love those women! FLORIDA SOON! <33 hahahaha.

i think this entry is long enough. i'm gonna listen to some music and do some pointless activity. catch you all later.

p.s. please dont keep saying things to jack about me and him. it's just getting retarded and i think he's getting annoyed. so please, stop.
p.p.s. please dont take anything i've said offensively. its just a journal and i know some of it was harsh. but it needed to be said.

love you all. <3
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