Okay, now to write about the weekend of my b'day.

Oct 06, 2004 20:46

I had a very good time. I left late Saturday afternoon (or would that be early Saturday evening?) and headed off to OKC. I hung out with Christel and Padriac all night/evening. We didn't do much, but had a nice late dinner and basically hung out. I did get to see Derek for a little bit after he got off of work and before he headed off. I swear I'm too quiet for my own good sometimes.

Anyways, Sunday was the big day. The big two-five. We went to Frontier City for the afternoon to take part in it's Oktoberfest they have every year. Okotberfest itself was a pretty big letdown but we still had a lot of fun in the park. We managed to talk Padriac into going on the Wildcat, the old wooden rollercoaster. Of course there was no talking either Pad or Chris into going on the Silver Bullet. Neither were in a mood to be flung upside down. Sigh.
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