I think you know that I don't know how alice nice. sounds like, how the individual members looks like, and basically who they are.
And I don't normally watch fanvids idea.
But this fanvid of yours is really really captivating. And it made me question myself whether I've missed something really really awesome for good.
It was really shocking. I can't find a proper English word for the word I had in Chinese, and my dad can't seem to either, so that was what the translator gave me.
But it shocking in a good way, where its very influential to my preferences, and kind of. Um. Really important. Its 震撼 (view in character encoding, chinese simplified) if you want to know.
Just to tell you that I thought this fanvid was really very good. ♥♥♥ =DD
All of your sentences made my heart explode with delirious joy. ATM I really love you, sweetie ♥
1)you took the time to watch this though jrock isn't your thing at all (well, yet *lol*). It means a lot to me. Fans are always a little biased, so I consider the comments from people outside the fandom the most valuable since they're the most sincere. Because you got the feeling I wanted to convey it means it really is there, because you didn't know it could've been there and thus you weren't able to search around for it... one of my most stupid and complicated sentences yet 8D but, I know you'll understand<3
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I AM SO SO SO SORRY. I haven't forgotten about your package. I've even already imagine out exactly what I want to do. But I've been swamped this few weeks with school, and even more things will come crashing down within the next few weeks. Like school camp preparation, dance camp, exams, dance concert. OH GOSH. I feel so so guilty. But I promise I'll mail it out by white day. But what confuses me though is the package part. Because honestly I've never sent something that I was bigger than an average envelope.
They're goofy, cute, sweet, inspiring, beautiful, raw, youthful, proud, slap-happy, witty, unique, perfect.I really think this was portrayed in your fv really well, and I really really saw that. And I think I can see that this and good music is all you really want from alice nine. as a fan. I think
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(okay the above comment was not finished because my laptop kind of hanged and the only way to salvage 4 paragraphs of comments was to post it like this
( ... )
Epäilin aluksi tätä (sorry!) sillä ajattelin, että tämä biisi on kuitenkin aika "vaativa". Mutta nähtäväti olin väärässä. xp Ruri no ame, boyxschool ja PVmissäonhöyheniäjakettinkijaneonvieläihanpirunnuoria sopivat tähän videoon TODELLA hyvin. O_O Vähän "hidas" leikkaus sopi tähän, mutta en niinkään välittänyt haatattelu-clipeistä.
Saga Pr0n! *silmut kiinni*
Kokonaisuudessaan tälläinen kivan rento, hömppälömppä-FV, jota tykkää kattella aina kun on vähän kökkö päivä. 8D (miettii vain, jos olisit tehnyt AYABIESTA videon.. Huhhuijaa...)
Epäilen, että miulla on lukihäiriö. O.o Kirjoitan KOKO ajan väärin. >.<
Päädyin lopulta siihen, etten halua kuin Rukin kultaiset housut.
Löysin kyllä bandin, millä on ihan hyviä kappaleita... Nimittäin Calmando Qual.
*nods* Ymmärrän kyllä. Ite kun kuulin tän ekaa kertaa olin heti ihan FV-fiiliksissä, mutta tämä on niin hieno biisi, ettei sitä saa raiskata huonolla leikkauksella. Halusin tehä semmotten... hyvänmielenvideon. Sellasen, joka näyttää kuvin sellaisia puolia alicesta, jota en ole ikinä osannut selittää hyvin. Miksi se bändi on minulle niin tärkeä, mitä pojissa näen, miksi inspiroidun tavoittelemaan hulluja juttuja uudestaan ja uudestaan kun olen kuunnellut tarpeeksi Time Machinea tai Shunkashuutoa... ehkä samoja asioita kuin sinä kuulet Ayabiessa?
Saga Pr0n! *silmut kiinni*
xD lol, no ei edes ole! Gacchian on ihan ihmisiksi Gacchin mittapuulla... no. Ymmärrän tämänkin. Nosebleed näppäimistölle ei ole ikinä kauhean kiva ;D
Okei, lupaan tehä Ayabie-vidin, jos poltat levylle jotain backstage-härpäkkää :D pv:tähän mulla pari onkin.
^.^ to smile is good♥ Hopefully it starts to get better? :)
Awww~ well, I dunno if I'm that good yet but yeah, making FVs is muchos fun... to try to catch the core of liking some certain things... Mmm. I'm very happy about the outcome of this vid, so it makes me twice as proud to hear people are actually downloading it^^\o/
Sooo, thank you for commenting ♥ You probably have to wait quite a while for the next vid, though, since I'm now tackling the art req meme before people start throwing hard and stingy things at me *lol*
Ruri no Ame? Sure I have it ^____^ Here, I uploaded it to MU: Parasol! I see a parasol! Oh my ♥I got it from Jpopsuki when it was released, so it's not my rip
( ... )
Comments 7
I think you know that I don't know how alice nice. sounds like, how the individual members looks like, and basically who they are.
And I don't normally watch fanvids idea.
But this fanvid of yours is really really captivating. And it made me question myself whether I've missed something really really awesome for good.
It was really shocking. I can't find a proper English word for the word I had in Chinese, and my dad can't seem to either, so that was what the translator gave me.
But it shocking in a good way, where its very influential to my preferences, and kind of. Um. Really important. Its 震撼 (view in character encoding, chinese simplified) if you want to know.
Just to tell you that I thought this fanvid was really very good. ♥♥♥ =DD
1)you took the time to watch this though jrock isn't your thing at all (well, yet *lol*). It means a lot to me. Fans are always a little biased, so I consider the comments from people outside the fandom the most valuable since they're the most sincere. Because you got the feeling I wanted to convey it means it really is there, because you didn't know it could've been there and thus you weren't able to search around for it... one of my most stupid and complicated sentences yet 8D but, I know you'll understand<3 ( ... )
They're goofy, cute, sweet, inspiring, beautiful, raw, youthful, proud, slap-happy, witty, unique, perfect.I really think this was portrayed in your fv really well, and I really really saw that. And I think I can see that this and good music is all you really want from alice nine. as a fan. I think ( ... )
Epäilin aluksi tätä (sorry!) sillä ajattelin, että tämä biisi on kuitenkin aika "vaativa".
Mutta nähtäväti olin väärässä. xp
Ruri no ame, boyxschool ja PVmissäonhöyheniäjakettinkijaneonvieläihanpirunnuoria sopivat tähän videoon TODELLA hyvin. O_O
Vähän "hidas" leikkaus sopi tähän, mutta en niinkään välittänyt haatattelu-clipeistä.
Saga Pr0n! *silmut kiinni*
Kokonaisuudessaan tälläinen kivan rento, hömppälömppä-FV, jota tykkää kattella aina kun on vähän kökkö päivä. 8D
(miettii vain, jos olisit tehnyt AYABIESTA videon.. Huhhuijaa...)
Epäilen, että miulla on lukihäiriö. O.o Kirjoitan KOKO ajan väärin. >.<
Päädyin lopulta siihen, etten halua kuin Rukin kultaiset housut.
Löysin kyllä bandin, millä on ihan hyviä kappaleita... Nimittäin Calmando Qual.
Saga Pr0n! *silmut kiinni*
xD lol, no ei edes ole! Gacchian on ihan ihmisiksi Gacchin mittapuulla... no. Ymmärrän tämänkin. Nosebleed näppäimistölle ei ole ikinä kauhean kiva ;D
Okei, lupaan tehä Ayabie-vidin, jos poltat levylle jotain backstage-härpäkkää :D pv:tähän mulla pari onkin.
Ja muist se "MUCCU-ish" bändi :D
(The comment has been removed)
Awww~ well, I dunno if I'm that good yet but yeah, making FVs is muchos fun... to try to catch the core of liking some certain things... Mmm. I'm very happy about the outcome of this vid, so it makes me twice as proud to hear people are actually downloading it^^\o/
Sooo, thank you for commenting ♥ You probably have to wait quite a while for the next vid, though, since I'm now tackling the art req meme before people start throwing hard and stingy things at me *lol*
Ruri no Ame? Sure I have it ^____^ Here, I uploaded it to MU: Parasol! I see a parasol! Oh my ♥I got it from Jpopsuki when it was released, so it's not my rip ( ... )
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