Im Already Hexed, How long will you refuse being tempted too?
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Medenham College, UK. (Yep, thats not Hogwarts)
The green grass and the gothic structures of the buildings its one of the things you'll like the most if you are a British whore like I am. Medenham is almost the most important thing in the Plot as you'll will notice that it is a character itself. Arts & Literature can be more than fun, here. (Muahahaha)
The Quiet and the Lesbo vs. The Cool Gang
There's always two sides of a coin, two kinds of people, two versions of the same thing... Also in College things can get wild, That's why you gotta choose between being Popular and kickass no matter what or stay with the "losers" and remain faithful to your principles. Bad or Good? Yin or Yang? its up to you.
Treason, Hate, Passion - OMG Things get nasty!
The Same old story: Popular boys date Populars girls and all the Popular gang rejoice! But... Nothing cant stop love, so Not so Popular girl falls in love with the macho men of all men and her poor Bff (who's in love with her) suffers... oh, love stories, never change.
Our Princess goes for a walk, Still not Hogwarts, folks!
What happens when you skip classes to have a smoke and listen to a scratchy sound that comes from the floor? is that a Mouse? nope! its a jar , ha! but its not a normal jar, you will say ... now she will clean it and a Genie will come out to give her three wishes!... Nope, my friends, Im afraid this show its a bit darker and twisted and misterious and passionate and historical and naughty and hilarious and best soundtrack ever... and and and.
DOOMED! Now, You cant stop watching history repeat itself! adsklfj; adslfjk *iz ded*
Thelma & Cassie + Cassie & Thelma
BFF, far away from popular, close to originality and loyalty. Thelma is the bad ass, Cassie the quiet one , they respect and comfort each other, I just love them both, You wont stop laughing at Thekma's jokes (Brilliants) and Cassie is so cute and... (SPOILERS) oopps sorry!
Who the heck is this guy? Desmond's cousin? Pretty blue eyes? or maybe, hypothetically - Someone sent from Dante's Divine Comedy to get what he lost a long (like when God made the world - that long) time ago. Aww Temptation.
Roxanne - Leon♥ - Troy
The Cool Gang! Well not so cool in my opinion but you know people can change or being incredibly good when acting like a complete twat so... I love them as much as Thelma ( Not just because they're too pretty to ignore) but you can see who's my favourite ... I just like him because the plot you know... LOL.
I put another one because me love the prettyness, JUST WATCH THE SHOW OKTHANXBYE?
So, What makes Hex really special? First and most important - This show is not for kids, it has magic stuff and Pop Culture references but it has an ironic/lusty storyline for open minded people - Also it's base is Historical and Biblical so expect a lot of Time travelling: Inquistion vs. Cabarets.
And when I say Biblical base... who do you think these guys are? The New Beatles? Matrix Post-Revolution guys? Oh, guys... I said Hex is complex, brilliant and dark... so if I say: Mephisto, Archangel Rafael, Malachi or Remiel you will say WHA? >.< Try at Wikipedia ;]
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Well then, I swear Im gonna do my best to hex you all, because I'll like to post more picspams in the future (with spoilers) if you arent curious that's ok, I tried to picture every important thing on the show to make it perfectly clear, Im not gonna defriend no one for thinking that this show sucks its just that you'll break my heart :/ On the other hand, if you're interested on the show and like the plot ( I LOVE YOU) I have uploaded the Pilot which is a 2hours-Premiere. Just let me know that you want it, the more of you the better and I will post the episodes in Friends Locked Posts. SQUEEEEEE!!!!! You cant watch this show while you wait for the next Lost eppy, LOL - Hope you enjoyed the picspam! ♥