Dr Who Owns My Childish Soul.

Sep 07, 2006 18:35

Dr. Who is my new obsession, not only because of its absolutely gorgeous british touch but for the childish atrezzo and script. I've discovered a lot of tv shows this year but Dr. Who has what others can't and that's a Time Lord , Something that brings you now what you wanted when you were a kid - You wont regret noticing that your inner child isn't gone.

PS. Watch Dr. Who, kiddo - Love, Alba.

Reasons to Watch Doctor Who.
A graphic guide by Alba.

Dr. Who its located at London. (Bloody Hell) LOLZ.

Dr. Who has a Normal Girl  (which ROCKS!)  as the Heroine.

This is how normal teenagers look like  when waking up.  lmao.

Normal teen girls have grumpy and protective mothers who look like this.

Normal teen girls have boyfriends... Idiots with Golden Hearts.

Who kiss like this.

They look so like a pair of little birds, Hee :*

And Normal Teen Girls go to boring works by bus.

But... Then One day something isnt normal anymore.

VOILA! (Told you so)


"Oh! Sorry for that... Im the Doctor by the way"

"Uh - Doctor? Doctor Who?"

And Everything begins, They become friends...

And Travel through Time to Everywhere, Anywhere to fight for Peace.

They Meet handsome guys In the Mean Time.


And They always Win at the End ;D

British Sense of Humor, Science Fiction, Terror, Love & Lots of Imagination.


Always wanted to make a picspam so tell me if it was enjoyable & Will make more, HA!
 Also if you are interested on downloading this show ask me to send it you, New Dr. Lovers are Scandastic Lol.

tv: dr.who, fandom: picspam

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