Mar 27, 2005 12:45
quiz/survey thing
1. What's on your bedside table? countless stickie notes with names and songs on them, a phone, cd's, a mini volleyball, tic tacs, listerine pocket packs, and a pic off jess p. why? i dunno.
2. What's the geekiest part of your music collection? geeky? i don't think my music is geeky? um...M2M? but they rock...
3. What do you eat when you raid the fridge at night? depends. sometimes reese's ice cream, often times some sort of fruit or veggies and dip, depending on availability.
4. What is your secret guaranteed weeping film? BOYS DON'T CRY. omg, it's like a faucet. there are plenty of others, but anyone who's watched that movie knows..
5. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? i'm precluding the question by saying i wouldn't. unless it was because i had an accident and the surgery was to fix knee or something. but not looks.
6. Do you have a completely irrational fear? spiders. though its not really irrational considering the number of times i've been bit. ooh, i know, stalkers and being attacked in a dark parking lot. though with the stats banno's been giving us on women being ually abused, i'm not sure that's irrational either.
7. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments? eyes downward, bouncing leg, biting lip, rubbing hands together. anyone of those.
8. Do you ever have to beg? have to? no. when i do beg, it is only when i know that it will accomplish nothing and i make outlandish promises in jest. tis amusing actually. *i forgot to change the original answer earlier.
9. Do you have too many love interests? haha, yeah right.
10. Do you know anyone famous? define famous? jess p is famous. i know people who are infamous...
11. Describe your bed. its got a comforter my mom made with the leopard print side up, my old pink pillowcase, and it's never made, always warm, and covered with cat hair.
12. Spontaneous or plan? completely depends
13. Who should play you in a movie about your life? who do i want, or who should? or...who knows i dont. who i want, hilary swank or natalie portman, only cuz they are wicked cool and that would just rock though.
14. Do you know how to play poker? yes.
15. What do you carry with you at all times? deep answer: my memories. literal: fleas.
16. How do you drive? i drive well, dont speed too much, mostly in control. except those emotional night drives alone...then i scare myself.
17. What do you miss most about being little? the simplicity, the traditions
18. Are you happy with your given name? yeah, it's french. and most people can't spell or read it correctly.
19. What color is your bedroom? light blue walls, white ceiling, but the walls are covered with pics.
20. What was the last song to which you were listening? Ani DiFranco~Both Hands
21. Have you ever been in a school play? as a crewie, yeah. and some when i was in elementary school. i've been in a play, but never with the mid/high school
22. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? sure. i'm an alright gal. and i'm pretty sure i'm i believe in myself. i think i sometimes limit myself by being lazy, i think i'm yet to have discovered what my poetential is.
23. Have you ever done any illegal drugs? they weren't illegal.
24. Do you think you're cute? sure. why not.
25. Do you consider yourself a nice person? sure. why not. nice is so subjective.