Mod Post

Feb 12, 2011 14:57

If you have not yet seen this post to kifu_archive by chaineddove, I suggest you check it out.

As both chaineddove and doumeki will be stepping down as mods, that leaves just me for the time being. This is not permanent, though. I know it can be uncomfortable, perhaps, to see the moderation of a community as some absolute, single-minded rule, and I definitely agree that there needs to be another mod, so I will begin that process and announce a new co-mod before the next regular round begins.

This is a transitional time, though, and in times like this, it's very, very important to have community feedback. It has always been my belief as a mod of any community that the mod is simply the caretaker; the janitor. The community belongs to the community itself. Your participation and enjoyment of the community are what makes this place what it is, not anything going on behind the scenes. So as we transition, I think it would be good to try to maximize that participation and enjoyment. ^_~

This is a screened post. If you would like a reply to the comments you leave here, please either include an email address, or tell me to PM you, as the mechanics of replying to screened comments are less than ideal. I would like to hear ALL your feedback, suggestions, and comments. Please understand, though, I am not looking for suggestions for who the new mod should be, as that decision must ultimately lie with the new mod her/himself. It's a fair amount of work, and whoever it will be will have to decide independently, without pressure.

BUT!! I definitely want to hear EVERYTHING else... how you feel about the community, any concerns, what you ABSOLUTELY don't want to see changed, what suggestions you have for future rounds, really, ANY and ALL thoughts and suggestions!! Can't bring you the quality comm you deserve if I don't know what's on your mind. ^_~

ALSO... as we are transitioning here, I think it's an appropriate time to ask for volunteers to take over the management of kifu_archive. Why? While it worked out just fine at the onset to have the "social" aspect of the challenge under the same management as the challenge itself, at this point it seems logical that it doesn't always have to be that way, and that kifu_archive might thrive better with separate management. There really aren't "duties" per se for managing kifu_archive, save for just generally being aware of what's going on with blind_go, and whoever takes over kifu_archive would have completely free reign (that is to say, would not need to check with blind_go management over what they wanted to do and all). So, if you would like to volunteer to take over kifu_archive, please leave a comment to this post here, and I will be in touch with you as soon as possible. I'd like to effect that transfer as soon as I have the volunteers needed.

Final programming note... The last post of the last round mentioned a mini-round for the holidays... We do apologize for that not happening... yet... but please stay posted!!

Bullet Points!!
  • chaineddove and doumeki will be missed
  • the process to find a new co-mod for blind_go is underway and will be complete before the next regular round
  • any comments, thoughts, concerns, suggestions, hopes, desires, and feelings about blind_go should be left as a comment here as they would be much appreciated
  • if you are interested in volunteering to help take over kifu_archive, also comment to this post!!
  • stay tuned, and THANK YOU so much for your continued interest and support!!!!!!

wrap up, admin

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