It's time for the promised Mini-Round, a chance to grease the wheels, as it were, and get things in motion... so how about a round of speed go, fellow
blind_goers?? Yes, it's time for
Flash Fic, All or Nothing!
All Dialogue!
No Dialogue!
What's it about!
- This is Speed Go, or FlashFic... in other words, a short deadline
- Fics must consist of either All Dialogue or No Dialogue... All or Nothing!
Sign Ups?
- Due to the nature of this Mini-Round, sign ups are not necessary
- You are encouraged, however, to post your intention to participate in this post, and also any other Mini-Round related commenting you would like!
- Because there are no sign ups, you will not be sent out an ID as per normal. IDs will be assigned at the time of posting, and you will be able to find your ID because it will be attached to your fic/s
- Email all fic to be submitted to
- Fics should be attached in .txt format ( plain text tutorial)
- In the body of the email, include Writer's user ID, Title, Word Count, and, if applicable, a Writing Archive for your work (to help with guessing)
- Multiple fics can be submitted in one email, or in several, whichever works for you
- Collaborations are allowed; please be sure to include the user ID of both authors in the email along with the Title and Word Count
- Fics should including all HTML tags for formatting; the mod will make a cursory check of all fics during posting, but will not be able to format your fic during posting
Fic Guidelines?
- All fics must be for the Hikaru no Go fandom (Crossovers and AUs are allowed as long as the writing features Hikaru no Go characters)
- Word Count should be between 100 and 3000 words
- Writers can submit as many fics as they like!
- There will be no supplied themes as this is a Mini-Round for FlashFic, but feel free to seek out support and suggestions either here in this post or in kifu_archive
- Once the posting of the fics is done, a list of participating authors will be posted, and guesses as to who wrote what will be accepting in a screened post
- The Guessing period will be open until February 28th, Midnight EST, and All Will Be Revealed on March 1rst, shortly after Midnight EST
- Until the guessing period is over, authors should not reveal themselves, but are welcome to leave hints or accept guesses of their own
Final Note
- If fewer than five authors submit fics, then the Guessing Period will be omitted, and fics will be posted with the author's identified
Questions? Post them here,
send a PM, or
email me! Pertaining to the
previous post, the process for finding new mods/co-mods for both
blind_go and
kifu_archive is underway, so I ask your patience as we move forward. If anyone feels displeasure or has concerns regarding the progression of this mini-round with a solo mod, please understand that I do appreciate those concerns, and I would be happy to hear your thoughts and do my best to put your concerns to rest. Just message me and we can talk about it.
Thank you!! And happy fastficcing!!!