Mar 08, 2011 14:05
Daniel is avoiding the hell out of his room, because oddly enough he does not much appreciate Medieval-era-accurate torture devices, or pentagrams and bloodstains all over the walls. Whoever plans these events is a bastard. Such a huge bastard.
Maybe you'll find him in the library, browsing the shelves in a general sense and eventually finding a book about aeroplanes. It's clearly one for children, but he's sort of learning from scratch here, so shut up.
Or maybe you'll find him in the kitchen, with that same book and also with a bowl of awesome cinnamon walnuts. Because distracting yourself is great, but distracting yourself with comfort food is even better.
Rooms? Midnight broadcasts? Why, what are you talking about? There's nothing wrong here. Nope. Not a thing.
Everything is so okay in fact that his walnuts are accompanied by a stiff drink, and he shuffles his feet every now and then, as if trying to shoo something scuttling too close.
the denial olympics,
event: persona shadows,
daniel is a nice people,
gratuitous victorian kickshaws