Dear 2013 Yulegoat

Oct 14, 2013 17:00

Hallo, Yuletide writer and potentially other interested persons!

As you might have been able to tell from my requests, dearest Yulegoat, I am incredibly excited for whatever the season brings me. I really hope the length of this letter doesn't put you off, but I know some writers enjoy more prompts and detail than others, so I threw down some of my favorite headcanons and ideas. I will honestly be happy with any fic you are happy writing in any of the fandoms below, but I do have a few preferences/squicks that would turn me off a story, just as some guidelines:

*AUs, anything from canon deviation to coffeeshops and apocalypses
*Crossovers (many of my fandoms can be found via my tumblr, but feel free to add in your own as well - I love new fandoms!)
*Happy/ridiculous fics, or at least happy endings
*Slice-of-life fics
*Unconventional friendships and chosen families
*Loving snark/friendly banter/sarcasm as a way of hiding true affection/etc
*QUEERING THINGS UP - bring on the lgbtiqqa++ everything, mmmhmmm
*Friendfic! I love it when people are just hanging out, being themselves, possibly abrasively but getting along anyway. FRIENDS

*unrelenting angst - I understand that angst can have a purpose in a story, and I welcome it! But I dislike it when the angst just grinds on and on and on
*ship-bashing/character bashing to make a ship work

Also, any length or rating of fic is perfectly all right by me. I don't know if anyone worries about this stuff, but if you feel like you can only write a 1,000-word-exactly explicit fic for my prompt, or if you want to write what you feel is waaaay to much random gen fic, GO FOR IT. Honestly, I will be happy with whatever comes my way. <3!

Now, on to what I actually requested:

Parks and Recreation: Leslie Knope, Donna Meagle, Ron Swanson, April Ludgate

I would love love LOVE to see the Pawnee crew dropped down into some other ridiculous situation - give me Leslie trying to lead the Pawnee citizens through an outbreak of the zombie virus brought on by Paunchburger, or have Sharknado visit Eagleton and let Leslie gloat until a shark crashes through the roof of City Hall, or really anything like that. I'd prefer it if it were funny, rather than tragic or angsty, but as for the plot, go with whatever you want to. Ridiculous or logical, AU or not, etc. I love all the characters, but I specified the four that are probably my favorites (though it's hard to pick).

Most of what I love about Parks & Rec is that it's ridiculous and genuine at the same time, and that its humor is rooted in mostly good intentions.

So like I said in the letter, I mostly just love the characters and their interactions for P&R, and I just want to see them band together (however terribly, they always do manage to stick together) and do something. I love April's snark and Donna's total fabulousnes and Ron's deadpan everything and Leslie's enthusiasm and utter batshit craziness, which is why I picked them as my main four, but I really do love everyone else in the office. And if you have a craving to switch up pairings, go for it! I ship all the canon pairings, but I could also go for Ann/Ron, Ann/Leslie, Donna/everyone in the office, Tom/Jean Ralphio, ANYTHING. Mostly I just want these odd little misfits to be happy and ridiculous in any situation.

Black Books: Fran Katzenjammer, Manny Bianco, Bernard Black

This is going to get repetitive, but I would also love to see these guys dropped into some ridiculous situation. Crossovers, apocalypses, plagues of fuzzy bunnies and rainbows, anything. What draws me to Black Books are the characters and their interactions, rather than the setting, so picking them up and dropping them somewhere else would make my Yuletide. Putting them on the bridge of the Enterprise during a fight with the Borg, making them visit Pawnee for some ungodly reason (or, alternately, making the Pawneeans drop in during their visit to London!), whatever you do with these three will absolutely delight me.

And if you're new to Black Books but you're interested in giving it a shot, there are only 18 episodes, and it doesn't even take that long to get a feel for these three and how utterly ridiculous they are.

As a side note, I do ship Bernard/Fran, in a kind of self-destructive-but-workable way, but I am also more than fine with gen.

Honestly, don't let my propensity for crossovers freak you out - if you want to keep them where they are, that is definitely also amazing. But if you want to throw them at something else, I'm good with that too! If you want an idea of my fandoms/enjoyments, you can take a look at - my tagging system is haphazard at best, but it gives you a good cross-section of my joys in life.

Instead of repeating myself, I will just say that everything I said for Parks and Rec also applies here, except I love love love how self-destructive and completely useless these characters are, as opposed to the general ridiculousness of P&R.

And, like I said, if you are interested in picking up this show, the whole thing is on Netflix, and there are only 18 episodes. You should really give it a shot if you like anything sarcastic, because it is one of my favorite shows in the world.

Miranda: Miranda Hart, Gary Preston, Stevie Sutton

I NEED CLOSURE. After the finale of the last season, I just need to know that Miranda is actually going to get SOMEWHERE with her life - whether that means finally committing to someone else, or committing to herself and doing something that takes her out of the cycle of apartment/store/bar (and gary/stevie/penny). I just want Miranda to break out of her rut and do something that makes her happy - whether that thing is Gary or Mike (though I lean towards Gary, honestly), or world travel or a comedy class or writing or ANYTHING. Just make Miranda happy, please and thank you.

PS - I am still more than happy with AUs and crossovers here, but I'd really like the focus to be on Miranda and her happiness/future.

I love love love Miranda, but sometimes I want to slap her about the head and shoulders and send her out into the world to DO something. In a loving way, of course. That's kind of what this prompt addresses - Miranda really needs to get out of the cycle/rut she's in, and I'm kind of afraid Gary's just gonna keep her there (thought I do SO love Gary). I will still love absolutely anything having to do with these completely nonsensical people (and I didn't request Penny specifically, but OH, such fun :P ), but I would really love something focused on Miranda and her maturing/self-discovering process. I mean, I don't want her to stop being childish and insecure and fun, because that's who she is, but I'd like for her to start making decisions for herself, you know?

The Middleman: Wendy Watson, Lacey Thornfield, The Middleman, Ida

So there might be a trend at work here, but crossovers and AUs were MADE for The Middleman, honestly. Time traveling Starfleet officers show up at the illegal sublet apartment Wendy shares with another young, photogenic artist, or The Middleman is called in to investigate odd goings-on at a dingy bookstore in London, or Wendy versus Megacroc, or ANYTHING. As with my other requests, pretty much anything in this fandom will make me so, so happy.

As an aside, I do ship Wendy/Lacey more than I ship Tyler/Wendy, but again, gen is more than okay. I also prefer happy and ridiculous to angsty and tragic.

BRING ON THE LESBIANS. No, but really. Wendy/Lacey is the be-all, end-all in my heart. Not that I can't enjoy Lacey/Middleman or Wendy/Tyler, but the roommates is where it's at.

But, shipping aside, the utterly weird worldbuilding and snarky deadpan characters are what I dearly love about TMM. The world that has been built here, with trout-zombie energy drinks and sarcastic title cards and ART JAM is simply delightful, and I want to live there forever in slightly confused bliss. Any sort of story to highlight that ridiculousness would be appreciated. Lesbians would just be the icing on the technicolor, brussel-sprout-and-maple-syrup-flavored cake.

And now here, at the end of my stupidly long letter, I remind you, kindly Yulegoat, that optional details are optional and that I will love absolutely anything I open up on Christmas Day. I know I've thrown a lot of stuff at you, but I hope you have fun with it and you write what you want to write for me.

Happy Yuletide!
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