Yuletide Letter 2012

Oct 31, 2012 14:19

Hello Yuletide writer!

A few things first - for all your stalking needs, my tumblr is probably the best bet. I'm on there preeeety much every day, and I reveal way more than I should about my brain there. Also anon questions are always fun to answer.

Some general likes: AU fic of any kind, happy endings, misunderstandings that lead to angst that lead to realizations that lead to happy endings, wacky hijinks, and dark humor, sarcasm, and snark.

Dislikes: I don't know how it could come up- but mpreg, also angst that doesn't get resolved, rape/non-con, and straight-up PWP. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE me some smutfic, but I'd like it to have a buildup, or a payoff, or characterizing dialogue.

I hope that hasn't scared you off any - I really will be very happy with whatever you write! I really just love the spirit of Yuletide and the atmosphere and the community, so I really just want you to have fun with it so that you're free to flail over the rest of the excitement.

To the requests!

Doctor Who RPF
Ok, so - Matt/Kaz is the pairing of my HEART AND SOUL right now. If you would like evidence of this, please feel free to stalk my tag of screaming about them on my tumblr mattkazstrophe tag. I would welcome ANY AND ALL fics about these two being their idiotic selves - fluff, AU, future!fic, outsider views of their actions (Daddy!Darvill must be the most frustrated coworker in the WORLD) - the only thing that I ask is that it have a happy ending. This pairing really does just make me happy, and while I can enjoy sad fics, I would really prefer that these two get the happy ending they deserve.

As a side note, and if it floats your boat at all, I also REALLY ship Karen & the Babes as an OT3 (you can also try the karen and the babes tag on my tumblr for more on that), so if you wanted to go that direction I would most strenuously NOT object.

Not even kidding on this - if you write me some of this, ANY of this, I will explode with delight. Matt/Kaz has taken over my brain over the past year, because they are the most OBVIOUSLY IN LOVE PEOPLE I HAVE EVER SEEN ahem. Sorry about that. Additionally, like I said, I also ship Karen and the Babes as an OT3 because they are the best of friends and you can't tell me they've never thought of making it more than that ok? Ok.

So yes. If you write this please expect the most flaily comments ever, as you can tell.

Push Me To The Floor - The Parlotones music video
You can watch this video here.

Ok, so, the way the video is shot here really intrigues me because it kind of makes them seem like a more self-destructive version of the Addams family. As in, they seem to enjoy the destruction they cause to themselves and each other. And the butler plays into their games in a really interesting and subtle way, and idk, I would really like to read more about them and their completely insane relationship.

That's... pretty much it, actually. I love vaguely fucked-up relationships (or not-so vaguely), and I love snark and sarcasm and dark humour as I said above. And these two are really kind of like a young Morticia and Gomez Addams that haven't quite accepted their nature yet, and that DELIGHTS me. Give me more of that, please.

The Ghost Inside - Broken Bells music video
You can watch this video here.

I really just want to know this woman's story, and the story of the universe this story is told in. Why are their limbs easily detachable? Are limbs an accepted form of payment in this world? What happened to the paradise she was headed for? What happened to her after? I just want to know anything about her and her life.

I first watched this video because of Christina Hendricks (mmmmmm), but then I got sucked in because it does an amazing job of world-building in such a short time. It really reminded me of a sort of android-y Firefly, and any exploration of something like that would be excellent. I just really want an exploration of this world and what it MEANS because it is all so intriguing to me.

Thursday next - Jasper Fforde
Thursday Next is probably my favorite book series because it both acknowledges //and celebrates// crossovers, fanfiction, and fandom in general. It creates so many possibilities in terms of fic, and I would love to see any of that explored. Other things that I would love to see included: puns, the mispeling vyrus, grammasites, and anything involving more of Mycroft Next's fascinating inventions, but I would be happy with ANYTHING you want to include, really.

CROSSOVERS OH MY GOD PLEASE. I will give you my kidneys if you will include any sort of crossover because this series MADE THEM CANON and you have no idea how happy that makes me. Between that and the fanfiction references, this series makes my fandom-loving heart incredibly happy. I mean think of the possibilities with even just Star Trek tie-in novels and assorted fanfiction doubles meeting, to bring in one of my favorite fandoms. It could be GLORIOUS. Doing this with any book fandom would make me delirious as hell, I'll be honest with you.

For your reference, some of my favorite book series are: Brian Jacques' Redwall, Diane Duane's Young Wizards, DISCWORLD OH MY GOD DISCWORLD I WOULD GIVE YOU ANYTHING TO INCLUDE DISCWORLD by Terry Pratchett, anything by Tamora Pierce or Robin McKinley, and Clive Barker's Abarat. If you do decide to do a crossover, feel free to include any, all, or none of these - like I said I will be happy with any sort of book-happy fic from this fandom, and it's really hard to be not book-happy with Thursday Next.

As a side note, I ship Thursday/Landen like BURNING, so please don't ship-bash. You don't have to include them as a couple, but please don't bash their relationship if you do include them.

All right, I think that's everything. I hope it doesn't seem like I'm trying to be picky here - I'm really not! I just know that I like to get a lot of information about my recipient when I do Yuletide, so I usually go the route of the full info-dump. Like I said - I'll be happy with whatever you feel comfortable writing me, and I can't wait to see it!

I hope you have a GREAT Yuletide, and I'll see you on January 1st at the author reveal!


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