May 16, 2009 23:52
Lol, Eurovision. Spent four hours in the Stag's Head drinking and eating jelly babies and pizza and drunk-rambling at StePHen about the different entries. Funtimes. Now I guess it's time for me to forget Moldova's existence for another year, hah.
I randomly finished my Film essay in about an hour earlier! And ended up only 12 words under the guide amount, which is pretty good seeing as they allow 10% either way and the guide for this one was 3,500 words. To be fair a lot of it wrote itself because, well, it's neorealism and compared to most of the questions Martyn set us, "In what ways could Bicycle Thieves be described as a 'realistic' film?" is really as easy as it gets. I so nearly wrote that Bruno is an emotional barometer, but managed not to. He's an 'emotional gauge' now. I did have a good little laugh at all the things written in the margins of my old notes and handouts - Naomi, do you remember "De Sica is turned off by Antonio (poor Antonio)" and Antonio's "starchy ration"? I also found "Faith, I challenge you to a duel!" but I can't for the life of me remember why. And of course EELS! Hee, I love looking back at the somewhat random collection of hilarious Film moments. I really hope I get a good mark on this essay, otherwise I'll feel I've let Kate and Martyn down!
Buuut this means that I've got tomorrow to proof-read it and to finish off my presentation write-up then that's ALL my Film work done for the year so I can be ready to hand that in on Tuesday. Then on Monday all I have to do is go to the spa (ooh, get me) to get waxed. Unless you've ever not shaved for two weeks, you cannot know how much I am looking forward to that! Then Tuesday into Avenue campus sometime before 4pm to hand in these essays to student services (which will piss them off because they'll be a week early but I don't caaaaare) and home to pack. And finally up early on Wednesday to get the 8:25 coach to London and with any luck be in Leicester by 3:10 in the afternoon :) It's looking like a pretty good week to me!
essay = done!