May 18, 2005 12:53
I couldnt sleep last night to save my fucking life. Youd think Id be able to after smoking having some beer and a full tummy... NOPE. Not this time. Usually my cell or house line will get calls periodically thru the night from Bryan and thats ok, but when the first voice I hear after FINALLY falling asleep at 6:42am is PAULA'S-It yea... thats all Im going to say about that. Then I had a fucked up dream, I dont remember too much about it but all I know i was in Bryans bed and his alarm clock started going off at 4pm like it usually does so I reached over him and turned it off,but it was molten and my hand got severely burned because the molten plastic- So I wake him up and he was like WHAT THE FUCK!! and looked at my hand which had become plastic because it had dried around it. So we run to his car and its missing, and then I woke up.
I wonder if the Quiznos I ate fucked my brain up.. nah... well blame it on Paula. haha.