The view from this weekend

Mar 17, 2013 10:29

Hey, guys, guess what, I lost 5 pounds!  As some of you are aware, for a woman of certain age this is a Very Big Deal.  It turns out I don't need to eat as much as I thought I did.  But it is kind of odd.  I am eating less, and I am hungry a lot of the time, especially in the morning, but being hungry doesn't bother me much because it feels "lighter."  Feeling lighter is what keeps me going.  However, it's the first time in my life that feeling hungry doesn't make me miserable, so this would not have worked for me before.  It took me at least two weeks to lose this much, so it seems like a healthy pace.

I can also highly recommend Amy's frozen meals for a tasty, healthy lunch. (Here's an example - and all the ingredients are real food.)  I've been packing the vegan ones with a serving of unsweetened applesauce and cinnamon for lunches a lot lately.

It will be interesting to see what the new Pope does in office, given the couple of stories I've read of him wearing simple clothing, cooking his own meals, and criticizing the priests in Argentina who wouldn't baptise babies born out of wedlock.  A friend of mine scared me for a minute last night by bringing up the suspicions of John Paul I being murdered by the Curia because he was going to investigate the Vatican Bank.  But that may just be a conspiracy theory like so many others, and it seems plenty Vatican dirty laundry is out by now anyway.  So if Francis wants to make changes in that area, it just might be the good PR they need.

Then let's see what he does with the American women religious. ;)

Maybe I will work this idea into a post sometime (don't hold your breath - heh), but what do you guys think about believing in things?  It is generally recommended that we have faith ... believe ... you gotta believe.  That didn't work out so well for me.  Did I believe in the wrong thing?  How would you know?  If you did know, you wouldn't be believing, you'd be knowing.  So that's where I am now.  Either I know something, or I don't.  I am content with not knowing,and if I can't learn any more then fine.  This way seems better to me so far.

This entry was originally posted at Comments cheerfully accepted at either place.

health, weight, the pope, life

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