Get it girl!

May 25, 2009 21:02

1. Favourite Bleighton photo or moment:


I'd just like to point out that Leighton and Blake have more chemistry than Leighton and Ed WITHOUT EVEN TRYING

2.What is it about this shot/moment that enchants you so?
The "we're totally doing it on screen/off" vibe it gives off.

3.When did you realize they were hella slashable?
When I noticed that Leighton seems to be grabbing Blake's ass in EVERY SINGLE PHOTO, srsly.

4. If they were together, how would you like them to come out?
A: Paparazzi shot of them getting their cuddle on ignites a media scandal storm of epic proportions.
B: Leighton shares amusing anecdote on Jay Leno about Blake hogging the covers.
C: They show up at the NYC Dyke March wearing togas made out of rainbow flags.
D: Other.(specify for the class)

B with a twist-- Leighton shares an amusing anecdote about ~her significant other~ hogging the covers, accidentally drops Blake's name, and silence ensues as she tries to cover up. Leno is shocked, the audience is shocked, but I've stopped paying attention at this point because my vagina has dropped.

5: Who's the top? Why? Leighton. Blake likes to let her ~think~ she's the stud. Plus Leighton probably has picked up a Blair characteristic or five.

6: Their theme song is: Love Games -- Lady Gaga

7: If Annie Leibovitz ever shoots the Gossip Girl cast, how would you like her to pose Bleighton? Please post or link to a picture demonstrating the desired pose.

8: Why is Blake the dude? Ties, suits, studliness.. come on!

9: If you could recast them as any couple, real or fictional, which would you pick and why? I like them as Blairena!

10. How should they get together? TEQUILA

11. Fantasy fuck place: TEQUILA-- oh. GG set, Chuck's bed, in their B/S clothing. ON HIS UGLY ASS SCARF THING.

12: Anything else you'd like to add? Anyone kind enough to give me a list of memes/explanations around here? .. and what does that Thor icon mean, lolz?


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